
Disponible en Cancún, Guadalajara y Mérida

Los  bioestimuladores son una de las sustancias más utilizadas últimamente en el mundo de la estética y en nuestra clínica de belleza innovamos con un increíble tratamiento a base de este compuesto.

Se trata del tratamiento de bioestimuladores, el cual tiene la capacidad de regenerar tu piel por dentro y dejarte radiante.


☑️ ¿Qué es el tratamiento con bioestimuladores y para qué sirve?


Se encarga de la producción de colágeno tipo I y III el cual proporciona resultados inmediatos donde notarás un efecto lifting, minimiza las líneas finas de expresión y rejuvenece el rostro.

Trabaja estimulando las células de la dermis y recuperando la firmeza de la piel que ya tiene un proceso de daño o envejecimiento.

Por lo tanto, no es capaz de rellenar ni dar volumen, sino que restaura los componentes de la piel que se pierden con el paso del tiempo.


☑️ ¿Cómo actúan los bioestimuladores?


Es un producto que está formado por el 30% de suaves esferas de policaprolactona (PLC) y el 70% de gel portador de carboximetilcelulosa (CMC). Con esta combinación se produce un efecto de relleno instantáneo y activación de los fibroblastos para la creación de nuevo colágeno para que el efecto de voluminización o lifting sea más duradero. Esto se traduce en una bioremodelación.

Se recomienda en personas de entre 35 a 60 años con envejecimiento facial y flacidez o jóvenes que desean atrasar la aparición de los primeros signos de la edad y mejorar la tonicidad del rostro.

Las zonas más comunes de aplicación son cara, cuello, manos y escote.


☑️ ¿Cuánto dura?


Los resultados son notorios a partir de los 15 días posteriores a la aplicación. Siendo más evidente a los 3 meses. Estos resultados tienen una duración de 2 años. Dependiendo de la valoración podemos necesitar 2-3 sesiones al año.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de los bioestimuladores?


    • Ilumina la piel.
    • Mejora la tonicidad de la zona tratada.
    • Ayuda a recuperar el volumen perdido de los tejidos por el paso del tiempo.
    • Redefinir el contorno facial.
    • Hidrata intensamente.

¿Cuáles son las condiciones para realizar el procedimiento?


    • No padecer enfermedades crónicas-degenerativas no controladas, como diabetes, hipertensión, problemas tiroideos, enfermedades autoinmunes, enfermedades cardíacas o trastornos de la coagulación.
    • No estar en embarazo ni lactancia.
    • No estar ingiriendo medicamentos anticoagulantes, antiagregantes o antiarrítmicos.
    • No haber consumido, esteroides, anabólicos, alcohol en exceso, cigarro o drogas al menos 1 semana previa al procedimiento.
    • No tener eventos sociales de importancia cercanos.
    • No presentar infecciones en la zona de aplicación.

Desde: $12.000 MXP

Guadalupe (Antes)



Guadalupe (Después)


Most patients see significant improvements after 2-3 sessions.
The Skinbooster improves the quality of the skin through microinjections of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid that revitalize from the inside.
Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.
No, recovery is minimal and patients can return to normal activities immediately.
Patients with allergies to the components, active infections, autoimmune diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding.
The treatment may cause mild discomfort, but topical anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort.
Yes, it can be combined with other treatments, but it is important to consult with a specialist first.

Skinbooster Es

La mayoría de los pacientes ven mejoras significativas después de 2-3 sesiones.
Accordion Sample DescriptionEl Skinbooster mejora la calidad de la piel mediante microinyecciones de nutrientes, vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes y ácido hialurónico que revitalizan desde el interior.
Cada sesión dura aproximadamente 30 minutos.
No, la recuperación es mínima y los pacientes pueden regresar a sus actividades normales de inmediato.
Pacientes con alergias a los componentes, infecciones activas, enfermedades autoinmunes, embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia.
El tratamiento puede causar una leve incomodidad, pero se usa anestesia tópica para minimizar las molestias.
Sí, se puede combinar con otros tratamientos, pero es importante consultar primero con el especialista.

Peeling Despigmentante de Ojeras ES

El tratamiento consiste en 3 sesiones, con una frecuencia de una vez al mes.
Accordion Sample Description
A diferencia de otros peelings, no descama ni lesiona la piel.
Puede realizarse mensualmente. Sin embargo, se recomiendan 8 sesiones como máximo al año.
Para nada. Además, se aplica anestesia tópica.
Depende de la valoración del médico especialista, pero se recomiendan mínimo 3 sesiones.
No exponerse al sol por 2 días. No usar maquillaje por 2 días. No realizar ningún tratamiento en el rostro por 2 semanas. No lavarse el rostro hasta 24 horas posteriores al procedimiento. No ingerir sustancias tóxicas como tabaco, alcohol o drogas por 2 días. Evitar tocarse la cara.  No realizar actividad física en 24 horas.
A partir del quinto día después de su aplicación y será progresivo hasta 1 mes posterior.
Un poco, la cara queda enrojecida, pero tardará 24 horas como máximo.

Control metabólico

El programa se adapta de acuerdo a tus necesidades. Puedes bajar desde 5 kg hasta 30 kg. Por esa razón, es importante que sigas al 100% las indicaciones, ya que el objetivo principal es eliminar las causas por las cuales no puedes bajar de peso. Eliminar esta causa te dará los resultados que tanto deseas a largo plazo
Los efectos adversos pueden o no presentarse. Estos pueden ser: Dolor de cabeza. Estreñimiento. Náusea. Vómito o sensación de mareo. Todos estos efectos son totalmente tratables.
El régimen de alimentación dura 4 meses de manera general para personas que deseen bajar más de 10 kg. Si tu peso es menor se irá ajustando de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Para nada. El tratamiento metabólico consiste en tratar todas las causas específicas para que los resultados perduren. Uno de los objetivos del programa es aprender los buenos hábitos alimenticios para que de esta forma mantengamos una alimentación saludable al finalizar el programa.
Los estudios se determinan en la valoración inicial, por lo cual dependerá de los factores de riesgos que puedas tener y la evaluación médica.
Las veces que desees, no hay límite. Además, también se recomienda realizar el programa Body Sculpt para potencializar los resultados, ya que además de adelgazar, vas a moldear tu cuerpo. Así que no lo pienses más y ve por la figura de tus sueños. ¡Pide tu tratamiento metabólico ahora!
Balanced diet and abundant fluid intake one week prior to the procedure. I should have slept more than 6 hours.
No, you must have eaten food at least 2 hours before in adequate amounts, avoiding saturated fats and dairy products.
Wear thong underwear and a dress or hanging garment.
You must wait at least 2 weeks after any type of vaccination.
If the bleeding is not heavy, the procedure can be performed without any problem.
No, because the blood draw will cause a drop in blood pressure and therefore it would not be safe.
After 3 days you can resume strenuous activities such as exercise.
You should wait a minimum of 3 months and it will depend on the blood biometry that you will have to perform again. A maximum of 3 applications can be performed in a year.
Apart from some slight discomfort during the application, the procedure is painless since injectable and topical anesthesia is used.
You must report the medication you are taking and the professionals will determine if it should be suspended.
No, because the material of which they are made is resistant and is designed for high impact areas such as the buttocks, so you can exercise and sit normally.
No, because although most implants are placed under the muscle, there is a possibility of rupture of the implants, so it would not be safe.
No, you may only experience some fatigue and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) after the blood extraction and for up to 3 days. Proper preparation for the procedure will mitigate these symptoms.
It is not mandatory, but if you wish to use it you can do so and it will help you to better shape your buttocks. You must wait at least 24 hours after the procedure to use it.
Yes, you must take multivitamins containing iron for a month, anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days for possible discomfort and inflammation and optionally arnica tablets to reduce the appearance of bruising and hydrolyzed collagen that will increase the biostimulation by the threads.
During the first 8 hours after the procedure, you will not be able to sit, you will have to remain standing or in a completely horizontal position.
Approximately 2 to 3 hours.
You must avoid the consumption of any toxic substance at least 3 days prior to the procedure.
- Rejuenesse, with approvals required for its use by health regulatory entities.
- The complete procedure is suggested to be performed annually, in the case of hyaluronic acid, retouches can be done with small amounts with a minimum of 4 months between each application.
- There are complications such as necrosis (obstruction of blood circulation) secondary to a bad application technique or omission of important data by the patient, such as ignorance of the substance previously injected. In case of any complication treated in time and form 100% reversible without leaving any sequelae. All possible risks are mitigated with proper application and good aftercare.
- Both techniques are reversible, however, in the case of the threads, it is suggested to remove them before a month in case of dissatisfaction, because the more time passes, the thread will be anchored more and more difficult to remove.
- Yes, although if you are a candidate for both procedures, both are suggested. If the correction is minimal, the most indicated will be only hyaluronic acid.
- In the case of threads, injectable anesthesia will be applied, and for hyaluronic acid, topical anesthesia will be applied. The discomfort is tolerable.
- No, the proper process for nose slimming is the trimming of nasal wings which is not part of the scope of this package. However, the result of the package is usually a very subtle slimming.
- The recommendation would be to perform it with minimum intervals of 4 months between each application if there is truly a decrease in the side effect of insufficient care by the patient. This will be finalized by assessment.
- No, the swelling after surgery can last up to a year so it is recommended to refrain from any manipulation of the area before this period.
- Touch-ups can be performed in between with minimum intervals of 4 months between each application.
- Avoiding as much as possible direct heat sources in the area, excessive exercise and toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
- Avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs at least 2 days after the procedure, although it is recommended not to do it routinely in order to extend the duration of the procedure to the stipulated. - Avoid direct heat sources in the treated area such as intense sun, hot water baths, sauna, tanning beds, immersion baths, etc. - Sleep on your back for two days avoiding pressure on the treated areas. - No make-up for 5 to 7 days. - Avoid performing any procedure near the treated area for two weeks. - Avoid exercise and/or strenuous activities for two days. - No bending over for 4 hours. - Wear a nasal splint for two days (tape covering the treated area).
- Dysport, with required approvals for use by health regulatory bodies.
- Rejuenesse, with required approvals for use by health regulatory entities.
- Botox will start to take effect from the second day of the application and the final result will be seen after two weeks. The biostimulating threads will take 15 days to begin to take effect and the final result will be seen from 1 to 3 months later. Platelet rich plasma will take 5 days to begin to see the result and 15 days to see the final result. The effect of the acid is immediate, however the final result will be evident after 20 days when the inflammation disappears completely.
- It is not common but it can happen, in any case it will take 5 to 15 days to disappear completely.
- Before the procedure, the professional will evaluate the patient's case and suggest the one that best suits the patient's expected result.
- No, since all the products applied are 100% safe and compatible with the body. The most frequent side effect is usually swelling in the treated area for a few days.
- Avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs for at least 2 days after the procedure, although it is recommended not to do it routinely in order to extend the duration of the procedure to the stipulated time. - Avoid direct heat sources in the treated area such as intense sun, hot water baths, sauna, tanning beds, immersion baths, etc. - Sleep on your back for two days avoiding pressure on the treated areas. - No make-up for two days - Avoid performing any procedure near the treated area for two weeks. - Avoid exercise and/or strenuous activities for two days. - No bending for 4 hours.- Evitar fuentes de calor directas en la zona tratada como sol intenso, baño con agua muy caliente, sauna, cámaras de bronceo, baños de inmersión etc. - Dormir boca arriba por dos días evitando ejercer presión sobre las zonas tratadas. - No maquillaje por dos días - Evitar realizar cualquier procedimiento cerca de la zona tratada por dos semanas. - Evitar ejercicio y/o actividades extenuantes por dos días. - No agacharse por 4 horas
- Smooth polydioxanone threads are used, which generate a biostimulatory effect, natural lifting and improvement of the skin quality. They are 100% reabsorbable and are compatible with the skin.
- During the process there is usually brief discomfort, especially with the placement of the threads, this will depend on the area to be treated. We mitigate this discomfort by applying local anesthetics.
- It is not possible because we seek to optimize the time of our professionals, thus seeking to offer better prices. In case you want to take the procedures separately, the cost will be the unit cost for each procedure.
- The threads are applied by means of fine needles that are carefully introduced into the area to be treated. This needle carries the thread that will remain inside the face once it is removed.
- It is not recommended to perform the procedure if the events are close to two weeks. This is due to the care suggested, as well as the possible appearance of hematomas and/or inflammation.
- Approximately 2 hours.
- You must avoid the consumption of any toxic substance at least 3 days prior to the procedure.
- It is not painful, the whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia, you will be awake all the time but you will not feel any pain.
- For the bichetomy the final result is permanent, since the bichat bag doesn’t reappear after its extraction. It is a procedure that can only be performed once. In the case of the chin liposuction if the weight is not maintained it is likely that the fat will be formed again, it can be performed more than once although it is recommended to wait at least 6 months between each process.aunque se recomienda esperar mínimo 6 meses entre cada proceso.
- As with any procedure, there is an inflammatory period, so we must be patient and consider this inflammatory period in order not to perform the procedure close to an important event. The results are noticeable from the first week, although it may take 1-3 months depending on each person to see the final result.
- It is variable how long a person can last under an inflammatory process, in this type of procedure the maximum inflammation is during the first fifteen days and then begins the de-inflammatory period.
- The risks in these interventions are minimal, since all the approaches are performed in safe areas to avoid any type of complication. For the bichectomy the most frequent are infections due to poor dental hygiene, inadequate intake of medications, or ingestion of foods that are prohibited during the first days such as seeds, very hard things or irritating or greasy things. For chin liposuction the most common risk is fibrosis (poor healing) due to failure of aftercare. Other things that can occur to a lesser extent are bruising and swelling. As long as you follow the recommendations we give you the risks will be minimal.
- Recovery is immediate, i.e. the procedure is 100% ambulatory, you can resume your normal activities as soon as your procedure is finished, of course, with certain precautions such as the use of your girdle and having a relative rest.
- Don’t take anti-coagulant or antiplatelet medications such as aspirin - Don’t drink alcoholic beverages, smoke or take drugs at least 3 days before the procedure (in case of frequently used drugs you should ask beforehand if there is not an absolute contraindication or how long in advance you should stop taking them) - Go without makeup and with a clean face. - Adequate nutrition and hydration at least 3 days before the procedure. - Adequate dental hygiene.
- You will take some medications that will be given to you on the day of your appointment. You will wear a girdle that will cover your face, you must wear it for the first 24 hours, then it is recommended that for a period of two weeks you wear it as long as possible (you can rest it for small periods during the day), Avoid strenuous activities such as exercise for 3 days - Apply local ice for 2-3 days in the area - Good dental hygiene - No alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or drugs for 7-15 days. - Make use of a chin strap.
- Local anesthesia and light sedation, you will be awake all the time without pain, anxiety or discomfort. Medications used: lidocaine with epinephrine, clonazepam, ketorolac with tramadol and dexamethasone (please advise if you have any allergies to these medications).
- No se requieren estudios de laboratorio ni estudios complementarios siempre y cuando no padezcas de enfermedades de importancia.
- The procedure is performed by aesthetic doctors with intensive training to perform minimally invasive outpatient procedures.
- All our results are guaranteed as long as the pertinent recommendations are followed and the check-up appointments are attended at the established times according to the treatments.
- If you visit us from another city you can return the same day with the appropriate care such as the girdle, although we always recommend if possible to stay a couple of days after the intervention for any discomfort that may occur.
- It is important to understand that the aging process is related to several factors such as genetic predisposition, habits, collagen loss, bone reabsorption, ligament laxity, fat and muscle atrophy. In reality the size of the pocket will depend on the age of the patient, the younger the patient is, the larger the pocket will be. In patients over 40 years of age the bursa begins to atrophy so they don’t benefit much from the process, this is the real reason why we decided not to perform the process, by itself the extraction of the bursa will not condition a premature aging. In any case, a previous evaluation is always suggested to determine if you are a candidate.
- The minimum time recommended for this type of procedure is 3-6 months to wait for a complete deflation. Although you can perform it as many times as you wish, you must take into account that each time you repeat the procedure, the risk of fibrosis and skin flaccidity increases.
The chin liposuction process only works to remove localized fat, it has no effect on its own in generating tissue retraction or help with sagging. If the flaccidity before the process is very noticeable or if you have a very large accumulation of fat and very thin skin, it can be inferred that after the process there may be flaccidity, so you will be informed of alternative treatments that may be needed in the future such as laser, threads, etc.
Fibrosis is part of the body's natural healing process, it is not considered an adverse effect since it is a secondary process required for tissue healing. Sometimes this healing is not uniform so there may be some marks left by the path of the cannulas when extracting the fat. We avoid this with post surgical massages, use of the girdle and avoiding the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes before and after the procedure.
- It is a very safe procedure. Sometimes, due to the amount of serum that is infiltrated, there may be fluid retention, so it is always recommended to drink plenty of water after the procedure.
- The vaccine potentiates the effects of the procedures, in case of not applying it the results could be lower.
- Yes, although you should discuss it with your doctor since some medications may be contraindicated and it would be better to suspend them until the program is finished.
- As many times as you wish, there is no limit since the procedures are 100% safe.
- It is made of natural components such as artichoke, ruscus and centella asiatica that will provoke a detoxification effect in the body, facilitating the elimination of fat, so it doesn’t generate any side effects.
- The results will not be 100% satisfactory, since you will be forming new fat, it is always recommended that you eat a healthy diet to enhance the final result and maintain it.
- 2 days after each session.
- You can do your normal activities without any problem with the appropriate care such as the use of your molding girdle for 8 hours.
- No, both procedures are performed under local anesthesia so discomfort is minimal.
- Application of the vaccine for 10 days (it is applied on the arms and abdomen) - Molding girdle in the area to be treated for 8 hours - Intake of 2 liters of water daily - Healthy and balanced diet - Avoid sun exposure in case of bruises - Don’t do any other reductive treatment during the program.
- It depends on your body mass index and complementary care. The package has excellent results as long as it is complemented with a good diet and the use of the girdle, if the body mass index is higher than 30 you can take the program but it is likely to require more sessions.
- Any area where there is localized fat, the most recommended areas for hidrolipoclasy are the abdomen and back. For lipoenzymes the most recommended areas are the arms, legs or the folds of the upper back.

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