
Why do chin liposuction when you are young?

To answer this question, we need to talk a little about aging. 👇

All this is summarized in the loss of the triangle of youth.

This means that all facial structures sag and facial angles are lost. However, it is important to mention that these changes will be more noticeable depending on the diet and external factors such as:

  •     Smoking
  •     Poor diet
  • Photoaging (aging due to UV rays)

As well as natural factors in the events during the life of human beings involving various processes at the physiological level such as:

                Bone resorption. Bones begin to lose their structure and become porous.

                Atrophy of the fat pads. Facial fat begins to become lax and generate weight.

                Atrophy of the ligaments. Ligaments begin to lose their structure.

                Atrophy of the muscles. The musculature becomes weak, so it no longer has the same supporting role.

                Loss of collagen and elastin. These elements make up a large part of the facial support. After the age of 30, their production begins to decrease and lose its quality, generating a skin prone to sagging.

These factors affect the long-term quality, elasticity and hydration of the skin (although there are certain changes in our faces that are inevitable as we age).

Eliminate excessive fat in time

On the face there are many areas where fat is located, some more superficial than others.

In short, they are like little pockets of fat distributed all over the face (especially on the cheeks).

Over the years, this fat is reabsorbed or disappears, as part of a natural process.

As a result, the face becomes thinner and loses volume with age. However, if this occurs at the same time as the ligaments lose their tone, there may already be a severe sagging process.

In this image we can see how the fat begins to atrophy and generate drooping of the rest of the facial structures.


Patients with obesity are more prone to experience flaccidity, since the weight of the fat generates weakness in the ligaments and greater signs of age.

Therefore, a recommendation is to eliminate this excess fat when we are young to avoid ligament deterioration and flaccidity in the future.


Further recommendations

It is important to keep in mind that just because you have a chin liposuction doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything else.

As with any procedure, if you don’t take care of yourself, the fat can return.

For that reason, you must maintain your weight after the procedure to be effective, in addition to complementing it with techniques that help you improve the quality of the skin, such as biostimulators.

For that reason, if you are young and are thinking of having this procedure done, you are at the right age for it! 🙌

In addition, I invite you to take a look at our chin liposuction service and all its benefits.

📝 We perform digital assessments free of charge.


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