Well-aging: the term that transformed the world of aesthetics

If we are looking for something that goes completely against anti-aging we have well-aging, a relatively new concept, but it is here to stay.

How many times we felt flooded with advertisements of products to keep us from aging.

Even many women could feel ashamed to tell their real age.

Fortunately, this is no longer a problem and with well-aging we are no longer looking to hide our age, but to age in a healthy way.


With 100% effective treatments that are neither invasive for your body nor mitigate its natural process.


✅ What is well-aging?


Aging is an art and a science.

We have to understand that aging is something totally natural and certainly we are all going to go through it. Therefore, we need to approach it as any other pathology in our organism.

Therefore, that is what well-aging is all about, to age in a healthy way, using the least amount of invasive treatments where many times the scalpel is used.


✅ What is the purpose of well-aging?


We used to think that by performing a surgical procedure the problems would be completely solved.

Now we know that the skin is an organ that continues to deteriorate and therefore, we must continue to look for alternatives to control this process.

Well-aging is based on 2 important principles:

  •       Understand the natural process of aging and accept it.
  •       Use non-invasive techniques to age in a healthy way.


✅ 4 effective well-aging therapies


The new techniques seek therapies that target cellular rejuvenation. Therefore, they directly treat the hormonal alterations that occur in the body over the years.

These well-aging therapies are 100% effective and will help you in your process.


👉 Stem cell serumtherapy


These therapies consist of the infiltration of an intravenous serum that is added with stem cells. These travel throughout the bloodstream and allow them to reach all organs of the body, so there is a complete cellular rejuvenation.


  • Helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Regenerates damaged organs.
  • Improves the signs of aging.

👉 Biostimulators


They are substances that are applied with the purpose of generating new collagen in the area of application. This collagen is of better quality than the existing collagen in the body and usually has a nourishing and restoring effect on the skin.

There are several options of biostimulators, from smooth threads to more sophisticated biostimulators such as Ellansé and Profhilo. The results are usually very long lasting and very natural.


  •     Brightens the skin.
  •     Improves the tone of the treated area.
  •     Intensely moisturizes.


👉 Hormone replacement therapy


One of the most trending treatments, as it restores the body, making it feel younger.

Therefore, signs such as hair loss, dry mucous membranes, loss of skin elasticity and sexual desire begin to improve.

These therapies consist of evaluating through laboratory studies the patient’s hormone supplements and thus establishing certain medications that can help regulate them.


  • Decreases the risk of health conditions.
  • Improves the signs of aging.
  • Improves the organisms involved in physical appearance.


👉 Skin care routine


The best aid for the skin is to have a good skin care routine.

For this, we recommend dermatological and specialized products according to the needs of each person.

It is essential in a good skin routine to have a cleanser, moisturizer, serum, eye contour cream and sunscreen.

You have to make this a habit, as it will help to potentiate all the treatments, in addition to making the skin look healthy.


  • Develops the habit of taking care of ourselves.
  • Long-term effects.
  • Our skin will look much better.


✅ Why go for well-aging?


Well-aging focuses on preventive medicine and at Belleza Latina we know that the earlier we start taking care of ourselves, the better results we will have.

We also know that it is never too late to start and if you are still young, we recommend you to take care of your skin as soon as possible.

Use treatments that allow the skin on your body to age in the healthiest way possible.

If you don’t know which one to choose, don’t worry. That’s what our specialists are there for, to evaluate your needs.

Aging healthy, aging better.

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