Universal beauty: is it possible?

Maybe the word “universal beauty” made you think we’re going to talk about an ideal of beauty, a requirement you must meet to be beautiful.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth 🙅.

What we are going to try to tell you in this article is the research that science has done regarding this and how mathematics can also answer these doubts.

So, without further ado, let’s get straight to the point.



What is universal beauty?


Simply put, it’s all about an only type of beauty.

I know, it sounds crazy to say, but it is necessary to ask these questions 🤔 even more so when the beauty industry is growing by leaps and bounds.

For that reason, science decided to do some research on the matter and those studies concluded the following 👇.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i.e., attractiveness is specifically linked to their life experiences. Therefore, beauty is subjective, as it depends on the perception of our eyes.”

And, although it may seem like a no-brainer, it is something that society is still wondering about.



So, if there is no such thing as universal beauty, why are we attracted to certain faces?


The answer to this question lies in a mathematical formula of universal beauty.

This formula is known as the divine proportion, and the key to it lies in symmetry and proportion (as the name implies).

Therefore, this can apply to you regardless of your race or gender, resulting in a unique beauty for your face and body ✅

Nowadays, aesthetic medicine takes this data to help us (doctors) to master our techniques and give you the best result, without affecting your naturalness.

Thanks to this divine proportion you can understand why you are attracted to certain faces.


Is there a single ideal of beauty?


Beauty ideals have been a topic of debate and controversy around the world.

More so now when the notion about self-love has grown (something we fully support 👍).

So, if we put this together with recent studies from science, we come to the conclusion that beauty has different meanings in people. For example:

✔ For some it is about inner comfort.

✔ Some of the physical appearance.

✔ Others of the personality.

The beauty trade is not bad, as long as it is focused on people’s emotional well-being. That’s why in our aesthetic clinic we rely on non-invasive treatments to highlight that natural beauty you already possess.

So, in short, there is no single ideal of beauty 💁



On what basis do we rely?


As we mentioned two paragraphs above, our mission is to give you the best results without losing your naturalness.

The truth is that we are all asymmetrical, surely you know it or have noticed it. Just try it, take pictures of both halves of your face and then see the result.

The pictures won’t be the same!

So don’t worry about not having a 100% symmetrical face. Asymmetry is natural and a completely symmetrical face would lose its humanity 😥.

However, if you feel you have an asymmetry that is too obvious and you don’t feel comfortable with it, we can achieve a logical symmetry. That enhances your attractiveness without losing that naturalness 😉



How to achieve that universal beauty of the mathematical formula?


To bring out that unique beauty you already possess we offer the wonderful Glow Up package where we brighten your face and enhance those aspects that make you more attractive.

In fact, if you want to learn more about facial harmonization, we also have an entire article dedicated to this.

Wanting to improve our physical appearance is not bad, as long as it is by and for you.

That’s why, at Belleza Latina we want to remind you that you already have beauty, the only thing we do is perfect it 🔥

👉 Do you want to have your Glow Up before the end of the year? Your time is now

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