This is the reason why not all types of noses can be corrected

Did you know that the nose is one of the most striking facial features?

The reason is that it gives personality and leads to facial harmony thanks to the place where it is located.

However, not all of them are candidates for rhinoplasty and that is why we have created this article. Here we will mention the 10 types of noses that exist and which ones can be modified.

But, before doing so, we must also point out that there is no ideal nose, since each face is unique.

Now, let’s continue:


👉 What are the types of noses?


There are many types of noses and they can be classified according to their shape and size. However, we are going to mention the 10 most common ones and which ones can be modified.


✅ Straight nose. As its name suggests, it has a straight nasal bridge. It also has a slightly upward slanting tip and, finally, it forms a 90° angle in relation to the upper lip.

✅ Greek nose. This type of nose is perfectly straight and large with no hump. It usually has narrow nostrils.

✅ Roman nose. It has an inclined curve that slightly resembles a hook and makes it protrude from the face.

✅ Snub nose. It has a concave nasal bridge and a pointed nasal tip, which slopes upward, revealing the nostrils.

✅ Gibbous nose. It has a protruding hump on the nasal bridge, also known as “camel’s nose”.

✅ Witch nose. As its name implies, it gives the appearance of a “witch’s” nose due to its large size. Therefore, it presents a prominent nasal bridge and a drooping nasal tip.

✅ Negroid nose. This type of nose is broad with a depressed nasal bridge and widely separated or broad nasal wings. It is more common in African-Americans.

✅ Pointy nose. It has a very elongated, straight nasal bridge with a protruding nasal tip.

✅ Aquiline nose. It is characterized by a striking, sharply curved bridge. In addition, it has a nasal tip that is directed downward (eagle beak). This type of nose is very similar to the witch, but is much smaller.

✅ Bulbous nose. Also known as “clown nose”, this type of nose has a rounded, curved nasal tip that often protrudes.



👉 What is rhinomodeling for?


Rhinomodeling is a non-invasive treatment to improve the appearance of the nose. This means that it does not require surgery.

To do so, hyaluronic acid is used, being resorbable filler, achieving an effect that favors the aesthetics of the nose.

These are the results that can be obtained with rhinomodeling:

  • Raise the nasal tip.
  • Correct slight defects in the nasal bridge.
  • Attenuate small septum deviations and deformities generated by blows.
  • Disguise asymmetries.

All these results can be obtained as long as they are mild defects.

However, rhinomodeling is a procedure that can’t be performed on every type of nose.


👉 What types of noses can’t be corrected?


Patients who are not candidates are those with these types of noses:

  • Negroid type (broad)
  • Bulbous (ball-shaped).
  • Large noses such as the witch nose.
  • Patients with respiratory problems.
  • Patients desiring larger corrections such as deviated septum.

Rhinomodeling doesn’t reduce the size of a nose or modify its bone structure. In this case, a surgical intervention (rhinoplasty) is recommended.

If you have doubts about the procedure or don’t know if you are a candidate, come to an assessment appointment. We will be happy to assist you 💙

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