This is the proper care after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction

Bichectomy and jowl liposuction are the least invasive surgical procedures in the aesthetic world.

For that reason, we couldn’t fail to include them in our catalog 🙌.

However, you may have some doubts about the care you should take after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction.

If so, don’t worry, we’ve got it all covered for you.

So get comfortable and read carefully all the do’s and don’ts after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction.


Main care after bichectomy and jowl liposuction


The main objective after bichectomy and jowl liposuction is to reduce inflammation and avoid infections. For this we indicate the following:

💊 Take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. It relieves discomfort and prevents infections. We will tell you the correct dosage and the time you should take them.

Wear a girdle or chin support for 1 month. Don’t remove it during the first 24 hours after surgery, then wear it for 12 hours the first two weeks and the remaining weeks for 8 hours.


👉 What to eat after bichectomy and jowl liposuction


During the first 5 days you should eat liquid or soft foods, and they should not contain irritants and seeds.

You should also avoid spitting, whistling and other similar efforts that may hurt the incisions.


👉 How to brush your teeth after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction


Taking care of your oral hygiene is essential to avoid infections.

The first few days we recommend you to brush very carefully after every meal and gargle 3 times a day with the mouthwash recommended by a specialist.


👉 How to sleep after bichectomy and jowl liposuction


The first week you should sleep on your back with your head up. For that reason, we recommend placing two pillows on your back for comfort and on your sides for support.

Also, avoid putting pressure on your cheeks and jowls when you sleep because it could cause bleeding.


What can’t be done after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction?


In addition to all the care we have already mentioned, it is also important to highlight a series of actions that you should avoid at all costs if you want your maximum recovery.

Therefore ⬇️

  • Don’t expose yourself to direct sunlight for 1 month to avoid skin damage and the appearance of bruises or inflammation. We recommend that in any outdoor activity you use a good sunscreen.
  • Don’t engage in strenuous physical activity for 2 weeks. For example, if you are an active person you can start running or doing medium intensity exercises at the beginning and after a month incorporate more intense exercises.
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcoholic beverages until you finish taking the medications because it decreases their effect. Also, you are more prone to develop an infection and, in addition, nicotine slows down the healing process.

Other precautions


👉 For bichectomy


In the first week we recommend applying cold compresses for 20 minutes every 6 hours. These compresses should be wrapped in a cloth so that they are not in direct contact with your skin.

During your recovery process you may notice one cheek more swollen than the other, which is completely normal, so you have nothing to worry about.


👉 For jowl liposuction


During the first 24 hours after surgery, pieces of gauze may remain between the incisions. For that reason you should change them whenever necessary.

This is to absorb the anesthetic solution used during the procedure.

How long does it take to recover from bichectomy and jowl liposuction?


How long does it take to recover from bichectomy and jowl liposuction?

The success after a bichectomy and jowl liposuction depends on your compliance with all the care mentioned above.

If you comply with them after the second week you will notice that the swelling and discomfort decrease.

⏱ Likewise, the approximate time of complete recovery is 1 month.

Therefore, if you have already had the surgery, follow these indications and those of the doctor to the letter. On the other hand, if you are thinking of having it done, please get rid of all your doubts and ask for an evaluation appointment 📝.

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