
Things you should keep in mind before getting a lipoplasty

Double chin liposuction has become one of the most popular treatments in the field of aesthetic medicine. This procedure allows you to recover the facial angle in a minimally invasive way, offering notable results and practically immediate recovery.

What is double chin liposuction?

Double chin liposuction is a procedure that involves the extraction of fat located in the double chin area using a fine cannula. In general, it is performed under local anesthesia and is an outpatient process. Its main objective is to eliminate the fat accumulated in this area and contour the jaw to achieve a more defined appearance.

However, before deciding on this treatment, it is essential to take into account some key points to ensure optimal and long-lasting results:

Weight Control: If you are overweight or obese, it is important to consider weight loss before undergoing double chin liposuction. Removing fat in the jowl area may not be enough if the neck still looks thick. Losing weight before the procedure can achieve a more harmonious facial proportion and more satisfactory results.
Chin size and position: The position and size of the chin are essential factors to take into account. In cases of retrognathia (chin pulled back) or micrognathia (small chin), it is essential to correct the lack of projection in combination with double chin liposuction. This can be achieved through chin implants or injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid.
Skin Laxity: Double chin liposuction focuses on eliminating localized fat, so it is not effective in treating sagging skin. If you have excess sagging skin, consider combining liposuction with laser treatments to tighten the skin and obtain more satisfactory results.

Alternatives for Small Double Chins: For smaller double chins, there are less invasive options, such as lipoenzyme injections. These procedures allow you to eliminate accumulated fat using active ingredients such as collagenase, lipase and hyaluronidase. They are especially recommended for patients with small accumulations of fat.

Additional Tips and Recommendations:

Consider combining double chin liposuction with laser treatments to maximize results.
Explore the possibility of working in areas close to the mandibular angle to achieve greater facial projection with fillers such as hyaluronic acid.
Always seek the opinion of a medical professional before making any decision. This will help you select the option that best suits your needs and aesthetic goals.

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