Stay away from biopolymers! Plasma gel is your best option

If you have been in the world of aesthetics for some time, you have probably already heard about the famous biopolymers.

It is worth noting that this fame is not precisely due to their effectiveness, but quite the opposite.

For this reason, we have created this article. So that you know everything about biopolymers and why you should stay away from them.


✅ What are biopolymers?


These are synthetic macromolecules that are used illegally in aesthetic medicine as tissue fillers (body tissues).

Most of them are of synthetic origin and derived from silicone; most frequently they are sold under the name of “polyvinyl methacrylate” or “polymethyl siloxane”, which is the same as liquid silicone.

When they come into contact with the recipient tissue they can trigger an excessive inflammatory reaction proportional to the molecular weight of the infiltrated substance.

In addition, there is the possibility that these substances may migrate to other areas, causing multiple complications immediately or years later.

In fact, there have been cases described of complications appearing up to 25 years later, which can compromise vital organs and even lead to death.

Do you see the importance of staying away from this substance?


✅ Biopolymers and their consequences


The injection of these products can cause different consequences that can be local or systemic. According to their time of onset, they are most commonly classified as:

  • Immediate. When they appear seconds, minutes or hours after application, and may include intradermal bleeding, arterial occlusion, focal necrosis, embolism, papules, dyschromia, erythema, ecchymosis, edema and hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Late. When they occur months or even years after injection and include the appearance of inflammatory nodules, non-inflammatory nodules, pain, ecchymosis, pigmentation, pruritus, siliconomes, cellulitis, sterile abscesses, lymphedema, as well as migration of the material from the site where it was initially infiltrated, creating distant complications.


✅ How to treat patients who have had biopolymers applied to their body?


When treating patients who suffer deformities as a result of the application of these products, it is important to consider the subsequent need for reconstruction of the affected area.

These treatments are often long and costly, as they involve extensive and risky surgical reconstructions.

Likewise, it is important that the patient has sufficient and necessary information to understand their pathology and the consequences derived from the unauthorized products that were injected.

Finally, it is also crucial that they know about the consequences of the treatment necessary to ensure their health.


✅ Why are biopolymers still used?


In recent years, the use of biopolymers as body shapers has increased in both women and men, even though their use is illegal.

However, studies have shown that the problems derived from their body injection are more frequently observed in developing countries in Latin America.

For example, in Mexico they are used in pseudo-cosmetic clinics or beauty salons by cosmetologists without medical training and lacking ethical principles, who offer them at a very low cost, taking advantage of the lack of information of the population.


✅ Why is plasma gel the best option to increase your buttocks?


Plasma gel is a substance obtained from the patient’s own blood, which is processed to separate the plasma.

It is then placed in a specialized machine that converts it into a gel, with an appearance very similar to that of adipose tissue.

Also it’s a temporary, biodegradable, completely safe filler and used to treat furrows, restore volume and improve facial contours. However, its greatest demand is for buttock augmentation.

The use of this technique has many advantages:

  •     Reduces costs compared to other fillers.
  •     Good cost-benefit ratio.
  •     Safety when using autologous plasma.
  •     Minimally invasive.
  •     Immediate results.
  •     Simple and easy to apply procedure.

✅ How safe is plasma gel?


In order to rule out any minimal risk, the specialist will first perform an evaluation of the patient’s skin.

Because it is an autologous substance (transplanted to the same person), there is no danger or risk of toxicity. Likewise, side effects are reduced, since it does not generate allergic reactions.

Therefore, plasma gel to augment the buttocks is a totally safe technique, as long as it is performed by a qualified professional.


✅ How effective is plasma gel?


Buttock augmentation with plasma gel is the best option among those who are looking for an effective, comfortable and totally risk-free treatment.

In addition, you don’t need to perform cosmetic surgery, which makes it even better.

The effect of the plasma gel lasts from 8 to 10 months after the last application, with 25% of fixation to the organism in a definitive way.

So if you are thinking of increasing your buttocks, we recommend you to do it safely, to inform yourself very well and to choose the best specialists.

I want to safely augment my buttocks

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