Lips Filler

Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida

Diseño de labios

If you want to hydrate and define your lips in a safe way, our lip design with hyaluronic acid is the most indicated service for you.

We have created a summary to clarify each of your doubts so that you are not left with any doubts when you have made your decision.

We guarantee your complete satisfaction and the lips of your dreams.


☑️ What is lip design?


Lip design consists of applying hyaluronic acid in strategic areas in order to give them a more aesthetic appearance. There are several different techniques that will suit the needs of each patient according to the natural shape of their lips.

Currently there are several types of hyaluronic acids. These will be selected according to the area of enlargement chosen by the patient and the desired results.


☑️ How many vials of hyaluronic acid are needed?


In one application you can correct asymmetries, give projection, outline them, hydrate them and give volume.

The final volume will depend on the number of syringes the patient wishes to apply and the previous shape of the lips. It is always recommended to apply 1 syringe of 1 ml of hyaluronic acid to begin with and then decide whether to apply more volume.

At least 20 days should elapse between each application.


☑️ How long does the lip design last?


After the application there will be an inflammatory process, so the real volume will be observed up to 7 days later.

Likewise, it is important to mention that the results have a duration in the body of 8 to 12 months. It is important that for the results to last for this time, the patient maintains good care and follows the indications.


☑️ What are the side effects of lip design?


It is normal that during this process the swelling is greater in certain areas, creating a discreet asymmetry that will then correct itself.

Also, bruising may appear which, although not common, can be an expected effect.

It is always suggested to avoid direct sources of heat and toxins such as cigarettes, alcohol or drugs for longer durability.

What are the benefits of lip design?


  • Hydration.
  • Increased volume.
  • Projection.
  • More harmonious face.
  • More defined lips.
  • Improved lip coloration.

Who are the candidates for the procedure?


  • The process can be performed on any patient who wishes to improve the shape of their lips.
  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having any important upcoming social events, since bruising and moderate inflammation are possible.
  • No history of application of unknown substances to the lips.

From: $270 USD

Camila Moreno (Before)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara


Camila Moreno (After)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara

- The area of the lips is quite sensitive so it is recommended that in addition to topical anesthesia, injectable anesthesia is applied in case you don’t want to feel any discomfort, after the procedure the discomfort is minimal.
- Of course, the final design will depend on your tastes and needs, in an application we can only outline and moisturize them without giving a noticeable volume, in this case a different technique is applied and a hyaluronic acid of very low density.
- The swelling will start 1 day after the application and will last up to 7 days. During the period of inflammation can be observed that certain areas are more swollen than others and will be completely normal. Also the appearance of bruising, which is not common but may occur. The ideal is always to wait a period of 20 days for a second application in case you want more volume.
- The risks of the application of hyaluronic acid in the lips can be nodules (accumulation of product in a certain area) or obstruction of blood circulation, this happens when the patient has previously inadequate techniques or with products of poor quality and in quantities not suggested. With a correct application technique there are no risks.
- Hyaluronic acid lasts 8-12 months in the body, depending on the patient's care.
- Avoid direct heat sources in the area of the application such as saunas, sun, tanning beds, radiofrequency, etc. - Maintain good hydration - Avoid toxic substances such as cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
- Rejeuness brand has the necessary certifications for its application.
- It is recommended to wait at least 8 months between each application. In case you are looking for a larger volume than the one obtained with 1 session, it can be done after 20 days from the first application, although depending on each patient, the maximum amount will be individualized in 1 year.
- In this case it is subject to medical evaluation, sometimes the application technique left nodules or some irregularity so it may be advisable to first remove the product applied. If you don’t know what substance was applied previously, it is contraindicated to reapply any product as it may generate some adverse effect.
- No hot drinks for 24 hours - No makeup in the area for 2 days - No exposure to direct heat sources - Don’t ingest toxic substances for 2 days - Maintain good hydration - Sleep on your back for 2 days - In case of discomfort take anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days.
- Absolutely, there is hyaluronidase to make corrections in the application or to treat any adverse effect such as obstruction of blood circulation.
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