
Available in Cancun and Guadalajara

Lifting con k laser

Endolifting is a procedure that helps us to generate skin tightening through K-laser Blue Derma technology, an equipment from Italy that uses therapeutic blue laser.

This laser generates a controlled burn inside the skin, creating a tightening effect, in addition to the elimination of localized fat in the neck area and lower third of the face (jowls).

Similarly, the jaw angle may be profiled to give greater projection to the face.


☑️ How is a facial endolifting done?


The process is performed under local anesthesia and entry points will be made to subsequently introduce the laser inside the skin, generating a retraction of up to 60% of the area to be treated.

FaceUp animación

At the same time, it is important to note that the soft laser

equipment has all the national and international certifications for its use.


☑️ How long will the results of an Endolifting be visible?



Results will begin to be visible 15 days after the procedure. The final result will be seen 1-3 months later when the inflammatory process is completely over.

These final results will last from 3 to 5 years, as long as the patient maintains his or her weight.

Also, lymphatic drainage massages, ultrasound and the use of a chin or chin strap are required for 1 month.

As a recommendation, the procedure should be performed in conjunction with chin liposuction in patients with abundant fat in that area for best results.

It is a 100% safe process with results similar to a facelift.

What are the benefits of Endolifting?


  • Facial slimming of the lower third of the face.
  • Shaping of the mandibular angle
  • Retraction of 60% of the skin
  • Facial rejuvenation.

What are the conditions of the procedure?


  • No pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • No patients with a face that is too thin or with a minimal amount of fat or sagging.
  • No patients with extreme flaccidity that require a surgical procedure for better results.
  • No major uncontrolled diseases (diabetes, hypertension, thyroid or autoimmune diseases).
  • No patients with a history of malignant fibrosis.

Desde: $10.000 MXP

Montserrat (Before)

Belleza Latina Cancún


Montserrat (After)

Belleza Latina Cancún

- The procedure will take 40-45 minutes.
- It is not painful, the whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia, you will be awake all the time but you will not feel any pain.
- The final results can last from 3-5 years as long as the patient maintains his or her weight, if the diet is neglected, the fat in the area can be re-formed or the tightening can be lost.
- As with any procedure, there is an inflammatory period, so we must be patient and consider this period of inflammation in order not to perform the procedure close to an important event. The results are noticeable from the first week, although it may take 1-3 months depending on each person to see the final result.
- It is variable how long a person can last under an inflammatory process, in this type of procedure the maximum inflammation is during the first week and then begins the de-inflammatory period.
The risks in these interventions are minimal, since all the approaches are performed in safe areas to avoid any type of complication. The most frequent that could happen are infections due to poor hygiene or inadequate intake of medications. Other effects can be fibrosis, bruising and inflammation. As long as you follow the recommendations we give you, the risks will be minimal.
- The recovery is immediate, that is to say, the procedure is 100% ambulatory, you will be able to resume your normal activities as soon as your procedure is over, of course, with certain precautions such as the use of your girdle.
- Don’t take anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications such as aspirin. - Don’t ingest alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or drugs at least 3 days before the procedure (in case of frequently used drugs you should ask beforehand if there is no absolute contraindication or how long in advance you should suspend it). - Go without make-up and with a clean face. - Adequate nutrition and hydration at least 3 days before the procedure.
- Tomarás algunos medicamentos que se te van a otorgar el día de tu cita - Usaras una faja llamada que cubrirá el rostro, hay que usarla obligatoriamente durante las primeras 24 horas, posteriormente se recomienda que por un periodo de dos semanas se use el mayor tiempo posible (puedes descansarla por pequeños lapsos durante el día), posteriormente 2 semanas más solo 8 horas hasta completar un mes - Dieta blanda - Evitar actividades extenuantes como ejercicio por 3 días - Aplicar hielo local por 2-3 días en la zona - No bebidas alcoholicas, cigarro o drogas por 7-15 días - 10 masajes post quirúrgicos (drenaje linfático y ultrasonido) este será tu mejor aliado para asegurar una adecuada cicatrización y prevenir la fibrosis. ofrecemos el servicio por lo que recomendamos realizarlo en belleza latina para garantizar el proceso y poder brindar un seguimiento más estrecho durante el proceso.
- The massages are started within the first 3 days after the procedure, this will help to have a faster swelling reduction, less discomfort later, prevent sagging and avoid the appearance of fibrosis.
- Local anesthesia and light sedation, you will be awake all the time without pain, anxiety or discomfort. Medications used: lidocaine with epinephrine, clonazepam, ketorolac with tramadol and dexamethasone (please advise if you have any allergies to this type of medication).
- You must follow the recommendations and wait for the results to be evident. Above all, be careful not to gain weight so that the result is not affected, in addition to performing the massages with the appropriate frequency to avoid fibrosis.
- The minimum time recommended for this type of procedure is 3-6 months to expect a complete de-inflation. Although you can perform it as many times as you wish, you must take into account that each time the procedure is repeated, the risk of fibrosis increases.
- No laboratory studies or complementary studies are required as long as you don’t suffer from any important diseases.
- The procedure is performed by aesthetic doctors with intensive training for outpatient procedures.
- All of our results are guaranteed as long as you follow the pertinent recommendations and keep your check-up appointments at the established times according to the treatments.
- If you visit us from another city you can return the same day with the appropriate care as the girdle, although we always recommend if possible to stay in the city a couple of days after the intervention to address any discomfort that may arise.
- Fibrosis is part of the body's natural healing process, it is not considered an adverse effect since it is a secondary process required for tissue healing. Sometimes this healing is not uniform so there may be some marks left by the path of the cannulas when extracting the fat. We avoid this with post surgical massages, use of the girdle and avoiding the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes before and after the procedure.
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