Dermal fillers

Disponible en Cancún, Guadalajara y Mérida

Relleno de labios con ácido hialurónico

Have you wondered how to get firmer, hydrated and wrinkle-free skin? At Belleza Latina, the leading aesthetic clinic in Mexico, we offer you the perfect solution: dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid. Available in our clinics in Cancun and Guadalajara, this treatment promises to give you rejuvenated and radiant skin.

Dermal fillers are aesthetic treatments that involve injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin to restore volume, smooth lines, and improve hydration. This procedure is personalized to each individual, taking into account the areas to be treated and their aesthetic needs. At Belleza Latina, we have experts in various techniques to ensure you achieve the results you want.

Dermal Fillers with Hyaluronic Acid: The Secret to Youthful Skin

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in our body, but as we age, its production decreases. Injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin replaces this loss, resulting in more hydrated, firmer and younger looking skin. We ensure that we select the most appropriate type of hyaluronic acid according to the area to be treated and the results you are looking for.

Notable Benefits of Dermal Fillers with Hyaluronic Acid

By opting for dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid at Belleza Latina, you not only improve the appearance of your skin, you also get a series of benefits that enhance your natural beauty:

Hydration: Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water, ensuring long-lasting hydration of your skin.
Greater Volume: This procedure can restore lost volume in different areas of your face.
Smoothing Lines: Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines for smoother skin.
More Harmonious Face: A well-defined and proportionate face can make your appearance look more balanced.
Improves Elasticity: Hyaluronic acid can improve the elasticity of your skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.
Application Areas of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid can be applied to various areas of the face to improve its appearance and rejuvenate the skin:

Lips: Increases volume and improves lip definition.
Nasolabial folds: Softens the lines that go from the nose to the corners of the lips.
Dark circles: Reduces the appearance of dark circles and rejuvenates the eye contour area.
Cheekbones: Restores lost volume and defines cheekbones for a more sculpted face.
Chin: Improves the projection and definition of the chin.
Mandibular Arch: Defines the contour of the jaw for a more youthful appearance.
Nose (Rhinomodeling): Corrects small imperfections of the nose without the need for surgery.
How Much Hyaluronic Acid Will I Need for Dermal Fillers?

The amount of hyaluronic acid needed for your dermal fillers will depend on your aesthetic goals. Generally, we begin the treatment with the application of 1 syringe of 1 ml of hyaluronic acid. This allows us to assess how your body reacts to the treatment and adapt the procedure to your needs. It is important to remember that at least 20 days must elapse between each application to obtain the best results.

How Long Does the Effect of Dermal Fillers Last?

Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid offer long-lasting, but not permanent, results. After application, you will experience an inflammatory process that can last about a week. After this time, you will be able to enjoy the real effect of your dermal fillers. In general, the effects of this treatment can last 8 to 12 months, depending on factors such as your metabolism, your skin care, and the quality of the hyaluronic acid used. To maintain the results, it is important to follow all post-procedure instructions and consider periodic touch-ups.

Side Effects and Precautions of Hyaluronic Acid on the Skin

Like any cosmetic procedure, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers may have some side effects, including swelling, bruising, and temporary asymmetry. However, these are usually mild and temporary, resolving on their own within a few days. We recommend avoiding direct heat, as well as toxic substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs for faster recovery and long-lasting results.


What are the benefits of dermal fillers?


Hydration: Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water, ensuring long-lasting hydration of your skin.
Greater Volume: This procedure can restore lost volume in different areas of your face.
Smoothing Lines: Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines for smoother skin.
More Harmonious Face: A well-defined and proportionate face can make your appearance look more balanced.
Improves Elasticity: Hyaluronic acid can improve the elasticity of your skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Dermal Fillers?


Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are a versatile procedure that can be performed on almost anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their skin. However, there are some conditions and circumstances that may contraindicate this treatment. At Belleza Latina, our priority is your health and well-being, so it is important that you consider the following contraindications before scheduling your appointment.

From: $230 USD

Camila Moreno (Antes)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara


Camila Moreno (Después)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara

- La zona de los labios es bastante sensible por lo que se recomienda que ademas de la anestesia tópica se aplique anestesia inyectable en caso de que no quieras sentir ninguna molestia, posterior al procedimiento las molestias son mínimas
- Por supuesto, el diseño final dependerá de tus gustos y necesidades, en una aplicación podemos solo perfilarlos e hidratarlos sin dar un volumen notorio, en este caso se aplica una técnica diferente y un ácido hialurónico de muy baja densidad
- La inflamación comenzara 1 día después de la aplicación y dura hasta 7 días. Durante el periodo de desinflamación se puede observar que ciertas zonas están mas inflamadas que otras y sera totalmente normal. También la aparición de hematomas, que no es común pero puede presentarse. Lo ideal es esperar siempre un periodo de 20 días para una segunda aplicación en caso de querer mayor volumen.
- Los riesgos de la aplicación de ácido hialuronico en los labios pueden ser los nódulos (acumulación de producto en cierta zona) o la obstrucción de la circulación sanguínea, esto sucede cuando el paciente tiene previamente técnicas inadecuados o con productos de mala calidad y en cantidades no sugeridas. Con una técnica de aplicación correcta no existen riesgos.
- El ácido hialuronico tiene una duración de 8-12 meses en el organismo, dependerá de los cuidados del paciente
- Evitar fuentes de calor directas en la zona de la aplicación como saunas, sol, camas de bronceado, radiofrecuencia etc. - Mantener buena hidratación - Evitar tóxicos como cigarro, alcohol o drogas
- Todas las marcas usadas son debidamente autorizadas por Cofepris.*
- Lo mas recomendable es esperar mínimo 8 meses entre cada aplicación. En caso de que busques un volumen mayor al obtenido con 1 sesión podrá realizarse después de 20 días de la primera aplicación aunque dependido de cada paciente se individualizara la cantidad máxima en 1 año.
- En este caso esta sujeto a valoración medica, en ocasiones la técnica de aplicación dejo nódulos o alguna irregularidad por lo que puede ser recomendable primero eliminar el producto aplicado. Si no se conoce que sustancia se aplico anteriormente se contraindica volver a aplicar cualquier producto ya que puede generar algún efecto adverso.
- No bebidas calientes en 24 horas - No maquillaje en la zona por 2 días - No exponerse a fuentes de calor directa - No ingerir sustancias toxicas por 2 días - Mantener buena hidratacion - Dormir boca arriba por 2 días - En caso de molestia tomar antinflamatorios por 3 días
- Absolutamente, existe la hialuronidasa para poder hacer correcciones en la aplicación o bien tratar algún efecto adverso como la obstrucción de la circulación sanguínea.
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