How to lose size with our innovative Body Sculpt package

If you want to know how to lose size, a powerful combination of 3 techniques is the only thing you need.

Get rid of localized fat in those difficult areas with our amazing package “Body Sculpt“.

With that we are going to sculpt your body in order to you to look amazing. Also this is a non invasive treatment for your confort.

So stay tune, listen to our tips and achieve the size of your dreams 🤩


How to lose size with Body Sculpt package


First phase: hydrolipoclasy


Before telling you the procedure step by step, we need you to know what a hydrolipoclasy is, how it is performed and what are its risks.

In a few words, hydrolipoclasy is a treatment based on breaking fat cells and eliminating it from the lymphatic system. After that, it is metabolized in the liver and, finally, it is completely eliminated from the body.

Therefore, once you have chosen our Body Sculpt package, we will start with the hydrolipoclasy session, which, by the way, is also known as liposuction without surgery


👉 How to lose size with hydrolipoclasy?


Unlike liposuction, hydrolipoclasy does not require surgical intervention to eliminate fat, nor the use of anesthesia. Its function is to eliminate it by lymphatic and venous routes, so that, as mentioned above, it is metabolized in the liver for a complete elimination.

This elimination is produced by inserting lipolytic active ingredients that penetrate these fat cells and break them down. So, before starting the session, the doctor will evaluate the areas to be treated.


👉 What are the risks of hydrolipoclasy?


Hydrolipoclasy involves minor risks such as bruising or reddening of the skin. Also, you may experience some discomfort that disappears after a few days.

On the other hand, it is important to note that not all people are suitable for this procedure, among these we have pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with chronic diseases, obesity or who have any metal prosthesis.

Our professional team is fully qualified to evaluate and indicate which is the best option for you. However, going back to the main question, hydrolipoclasy is not dangerous at all. In fact, it is more effective than liposuction and cheaper.


👉 How long does the effect of a hydrolipoclasy last?


The effect of hydrolipoclasy will depend a lot on your habits and aftercare. Although it is true that once localized fat has been eliminated it is very difficult for it to appear again, continuing with the same eating habits can cause the fat tissue to regenerate.

For this reason, it is very important to comply with the aftercare indicated by the doctor to prevent the hydrolipoclasy from having a rebound effect.


Second phase: Lymphatic massage and cavitation


After applying the hydrolipoclasia, we perform a lymphatic massage and cavitation.

In your second session we will apply lipoenzymes, which are organic molecules that are found in our body and are responsible for accelerating the chemical processes of our body.

In our session we usually use 3 very important enzymes such as collagenase, hyaluronidase and lipase. These substances generate an enzymatic reaction in the applied area to favor the elimination of localized fat.

Subsequently we apply radiofrequency to activate them and have a better result.


✅ Third phase: Vaccine


In the last phase we have a vaccine that will contribute to the acceleration of the fat metabolism in order to control the appearance of new adipose content.

As the last part of our package, we include an injection which you will have to take for 10 days. At the first appointment we will explain how to do it.

The benefit with the vaccine is to help you see results faster. In addition, it contains only natural substances such as artichoke, centella asiatica, carnitine and ruscus.

Also, all this treatment must be accompanied by a good diet, exercise and the use of a girdle.

So, if you want an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our professionals will attend you immediately 😉

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