Lipoenzymes to slim your face (less invasive than bichectomy)

Don’t get us wrong.

At Belleza Latina we love bichectomy.

This procedure gives us a natural and noticeable result in terms of facial slimming. In fact, it is one of the techniques we use for facial harmonization.

However, it can be somewhat invasive. That is why we have taken the task of introducing you to lipoenzymes, a treatment that requires no intervention. Additionally, you can go to an upcoming event, as there are no after effects.


👉 What are lipoenzymes?


Lipoenzymes are biological active principles that act selectively on the tissue to be treated. They are composed of 3 enzymes:

  • Lipase: to degrade localized fat.
  • Collagenase: to eliminate old collagen and reactivate the production of new collagen.
  • Hyaluronidase: to mobilize retained fluids.


👉 How to apply lipoenzymes?


They are applied by means of microinjections in those areas where we want to eliminate localized fat. In this case it will be applied in the face, with which we will be reaffirming the skin and creating facial harmony.

The best thing about this treatment is that you can notice the changes from the first session. Although, if you want better results, we recommend you to attend more than one session.


👉 Bichectomy vs Lipoenzymes: what is better?


There is no right answer, as everything will depend on your needs: do you want a less invasive procedure or do you want a more immediate result?

If you are going more towards the first option, lipoenzymes are the treatment you are looking for. With lipoenzymes you will not need to wear a chin or chin strap. Also, you will not have to rest and have massages.

Thanks to lipoenzymes you will be able to attend any nearby event, since there are no adverse effects other than a slight swelling.

On the other hand, if you want a more noticeable result and you are willing to comply with the post-operative indications, bichectomy is your best option.


👉 When do I see the results?


For a noticeable result, it is best to apply more than one session.

In each of these sessions there will be an inflammation, which can last from 3 to 5 days. Therefore, the results will begin to be noticeable after these days.

Likewise, we recommend to perform the sessions every 15 days, where the area of the cheeks and the double chin will also be worked.

So don’t think twice, make an appointment with us and get a more harmonious face thanks to lipoenzymes.

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