I want a facial harmonization but I don’t know where to start

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in our practice.

Hundreds of patients come to us for help to get a more harmonious face.

However, a very common thing they all have is that they don’t know where to start.

Therefore, in this article I will tell you everything you need to know before having a facial harmonization and which treatments are indicated for it.

But first of all…


What is facial harmonization?


This is a very common term in recent years and the reason for this is that we all want to have a slim face.

Most of us, especially the younger ones, yearn to take the perfect selfie. Even if this is not your desire, chances are you want to enhance your natural beauty.

However, what is harmonization all about?

Simply put, it is a set of aesthetic procedures that combined improve the symmetry of the face. Therefore, they transform some facial features and act on the aging of the skin.

Today there are many procedures to achieve this desired harmony, being the application of hyaluronic acid one of the most popular.


How to know if I need a facial harmonization?


All faces can harmonize.

This means that there is no faction that can’ t be included. Therefore, harmonization enhances the beautification of any facial area.

So if you want to make your face more harmonious, you don’t need to have tangible asymmetry. You can start with something basic or do a complete harmonization. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and the result looks natural.

Also, if you consider that your face is beautiful, the harmonization will only highlight your features and the points of light such as cheekbones, jaw angle and lips.


What procedures are essential for facial harmonization?


Hyaluronic acid treatments are the most requested. However, there are also others that can help us to obtain greater harmony in the face.

In the case of our clinic, we first address the highlights: nose, chin, cheekbones, jawline and lips.

So, having said that, let’s move on to mention the best treatments to achieve facial harmonization:


1.   Hyaluronic acid


If you already have time in this world of aesthetics, you know that hyaluronic acid is a type of filler.

And if you didn’t know it, you already know it 😉.

Depending on the results you want to see, we will apply as many syringes as necessary. For example, in a facial harmonization with hyaluronic acid we can take up to 15 syringes, depending on the area to be treated.

However, these 15 syringes can be placed in different sessions in a period of 15 days and their duration is from 8 to 12 months.


2.   Botox

As it is known by many, Botox is a muscle relaxant that helps us to attenuate fine expression lines. The appropriate dosage must be calculated by a medical specialist so that the result is natural.

Botox is usually applied on the forehead, between the eyebrows and crow’s feet and lasts from 4 to 6 months.


3.   Treatments to improve skin quality


The skin is an important pillar for other treatments to look good.

If our skin is not healthy, we will not reflect wellness. Therefore, it must be taken into account for harmonization.

Recommended treatments to improve the skin are:

  • Smart peelings
  • Exosomes
  • Laser treatments


4.   Treatments to eliminate facial fat


It is very important to eliminate localized fat before applying the filler.

This fat is usually located in areas such as the jowls or nasolabial folds.

Therefore, this allows us a greater facial contouring and spend less product (in case of applying hyaluronic acid afterwards).

The treatments we recommend are:

  •     Lipoenzymes
  •     Laser facial contouring treatment

However, these only apply when there is little fat in the skin.


✅ Tips to harmonize your face


Each of the tips we will tell you below are the same ones we will mention to you at your previous appointment. It is our priority that our patients are informed.

That’s why:


  • Always go to medical specialists

The art of harmonization goes beyond knowing how to inject, you have to analyze the anatomy of each person and see their proportions and measurements.

Then, you must create a design that goes according to your natural face and features.

Unfortunately nowadays there are unqualified personnel, so we recommend you not to put your face in the hands of just anyone.


  • There is no defined cost for facial harmonization

This will depend on the treatments you require.

It is not necessary to do everything in the same session. You can draw a plan according to your needs, where you start with the treatments that leave the most noticeable results and leave the minimum details at the end.


  • Not all faces require the same procedures

Your harmonization should be personalized.

This means that what works for you may not work for someone else. Therefore, we have to look for treatments that suit our needs.

Although, it should be noted that there are general harmonization treatments such as treating the skin, eliminating expression lines and accentuating a point of light with facial filler.


What do we offer at Belleza Latina for facial harmonization?


To provide greater harmony to your face we have the ✨ Glow Up Package ✨, which is designed with these 3 pillars of facial harmonization in mind:

  •     Improve skin quality
  •     Harmonize light spots
  •     Eliminate fine lines

This package is tailored to you and together with the doctors you will be able to decide which areas you want to treat.

📝 Make an appointment and enhance your beauty to the maximum with this wonderful package.

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