Although it doesn’t present a health problem, it does cause self-esteem and confidence issues among people who have it.
Because of this, clinics like ours have taken on the task of creating treatments that can correct the gummy smile without surgery and with quick recovery 🙌.
Find out below how you can correct this problem, what are its causes and levels of severity.
Correct the gummy smile with Botox
One of the most effective alternatives to correct the gummy smile without surgery is the application of Botox.
For this, the substance is placed in the levator muscle of the upper lip to avoid the hyperfunction of this muscle, which is one of the causes of this type of smiles. In this way, it prevents the gums from showing when smiling.
The effects of Botox begin to be noticed on the 7th day after the injection and the most noticeable results are seen on the 14th day. In addition, the long-term effect lasts about 6 months.
What are the benefits of correcting the gummy smile with Botox?
The benefits are closely related to the satisfaction of the patient’s smile, as well as:
✓ Immediate results
✓ Rapid recovery
✓ Smile harmonization
What are the causes?
The gummy smile has a number of causes that act together. These causes are:
- Developed levator labii muscle of the upper lip
- Small teeth
- Excessive gums
- Overgrowth of the upper jaw
- Tooth wear that has decompensated the tooth to gum ratio.
What are the levels of severity of the gummy smile?
In order to be defined as a gummy smile, there must be a disproportionate gum ratio of two to four millimeters. However, this varies according to each patient’s opinion.
Generally speaking, 3 levels of severity of this type of smile can be classified according to the amount of gum that is noticeable when smiling. These levels are:
- Mild. Two and four millimeters of gum.
- Moderate. Four to six millimeters of gum.
- Severe. More than six millimeters of gum.
Can I correct my gummy smile at Belleza Latina?
Absolutely ✅
In our beauty clinic you can fight gummy smile with Botox, a non-invasive treatment. This means that you will not need surgery and you will recover in less than a week.
In addition, in the consultation we clarify all the doubts you may have about the procedure before reaching an agreement.
So if you want to get the smile of your dreams, make your appointment with us now. 😉📝