Fillers with hyaluronic acid: Everything you want to know!

Welcome to Belleza Latina! Today we will delve into a super-trending topic: fillers or hyaluronic acid fillers. This treatment has become increasingly popular, especially in Cancun and Guadalajara, thanks to its accessibility, efficacy, and the fascinating results it offers patients.

Beauty and aesthetics have ceased to be a luxury and have become an integral part of personal care. Facial fillers, particularly hyaluronic acid fillers, have earned a place of privilege. Their ability to enhance and correct aesthetic details, and their contribution to facial harmonization and rejuvenation, have made these treatments a favorite choice for many.

If you are new to this topic or have already tried this type of treatment and want to know more, we invite you to read on. Today, we will detail the most important aspects of this super treatment. We will tell you what hyaluronic acid is, how it works, and the different brands and densities available on the market. Furthermore, we will discuss the duration of the effect and the application of the treatment to various areas of the face.

Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of hyaluronic acid and discover how this treatment could be the perfect addition to your beauty routine.


What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in our bodies. It acts as a moisturizer, helping to keep our skin smooth and elastic.

As we age, the production of hyaluronic acid in our body gradually decreases. This decrease leads to a loss of hydration and elasticity in the skin, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, and a duller appearance. In addition to the natural aging process, environmental factors such as sun exposure, pollution, and poor skin care habits can also accelerate the degradation of hyaluronic acid.


How do hyaluronic acid fillers or facial fillers work?

Hyaluronic acid fillers replenish the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This is done through infiltration, which allows for the filling of wrinkles and expression lines and increased volume in areas such as the lips or cheeks.


What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid fillers or facial fillers?

These treatments can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance without invasive surgery. Hyaluronic acid also attracts and retains water in the tissues. This helps keep the skin hydrated and radiant.


Who is a good candidate for hyaluronic acid fillers?

If you are looking for a solution to treat fine lines, wrinkles or loss of facial volume, fillers are an excellent option. Remember that the most important thing is to request a consultation with a specialist who can evaluate your case.


Risks, Side Effects, and Safety Considerations

As with any cosmetic treatment, certain risks are associated with hyaluronic acid fillers. These may include:

  • Redness,
  • Inflammation,
  • or bruising at the injection site.

Therefore, it is essential to choose a trusted clinic with qualified professionals. At Belleza Latina, your safety, good results, and satisfaction are our priorities.


Diversity of brands and densities of hyaluronic acid (botulinum toxin)

Today’s market offers a wide variety of hyaluronic acid brands. Some of these are better known than others due to commercial influence and market presence. Each of these brands has differences in production technology, durability, and, of course, cost. It is essential to keep in mind that the price of the application is not limited to the product itself. It also includes medical fees, clinic stay, and areas to be treated, among other factors.

Therefore, the price range in the market varies considerably. You can find prices ranging from approximately 3,000 Mexican pesos to 7,500 Mexican pesos on average.

Regarding the product’s density, it is essential to understand that each type of hyaluronic acid has a different density. This means that the product used for the lips is not the same as the one used for the nose. In the case of the nose, a denser product is sought that simulates structures such as bone. Now, it is preferable to use a softer product that provides a beautiful and natural look for the lips.

When applying hyaluronic acid, verifying that the right product is chosen for each area is important.


Duration of the effect of hyaluronic acid

The average duration of hyaluronic acid is 8 to 12 months. This depends on the patient’s care and the product chosen. Some brands, such as Juvederm, could offer more extended durability but never last more than two years.

It is essential to consider this relevant fact and not fall into false promises. There are often clinics that offer fillers with permanent duration. However, they can harm health by using harmful or not correctly tested products.


Hyaluronic acid applications

Hyaluronic acid can be applied all over the face, following the “well-aging” trend. These trends seek to accentuate the facial highlights without modifying the features for more natural and harmonious results. As for the procedure, it is quite simple. It consists of the injection of hyaluronic acid in the desired areas. Additionally, it is important to note that once the procedure is performed, the results become immediately visible.

The key areas for harmonization may vary depending on the patient’s age and aesthetic goals. For younger patients, the key areas are usually the nose, chin, and lips. For those interested in facial rejuvenation, the key areas are the temporal fossa, cheekbones, and jaw arch.


Customization of hyaluronic acid treatments

Each treatment must be 100% personalized and tailored to the needs of each patient. This involves taking into account your facial contours and proportions. In addition, it is vital to consider the desired result in each case.



We hope this article has provided you with a clearer vision of hyaluronic acid fillers. This treatment can be an effective and safe option for those looking to rejuvenate and refresh their appearance.

Are you ready to take the next step? At Belleza Latina, we have an expert team of fillers in our clinics in Cancun and Guadalajara. They will advise you every step of the way. Please schedule a consultation today and discover how hyaluronic acid fillers can enhance your natural beauty; we are waiting for you!


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