Foxy eyes

Eyebrow Lift with Botulinum Toxin: Transform your Look

Brow lifting with botulinum toxin is a little-known treatment, but it offers very satisfactory results among people who undergo it. A person’s look says much more than many people may believe, since the loss of a drooping eyebrow and wrinkles around the eyes makes us look older.

Due to the loss of elasticity of the skin and the sagging that begins to characterize the eyebrow area, with the passage of time we will begin to notice drooping of the eyelid giving a fatigued appearance, therefore with this treatment we rejuvenate the look, so safe and with a very natural result.

Eyebrows and eyes are points of eye attraction. Women, more than men, dedicate time and care to them, aware that well-shaped eyebrows with the proper orientation are more attractive.


Head of the Eyebrow: The inner part, which can be stylized by discreetly lifting the depressor muscles. Frontal injections can lift the eyebrows, but care must be taken to avoid unwanted results.
Middle Brow: Lifting this area requires precise injections into the fibers of the orbicularis oculi. An excessive arch can be compensated for by treating the outer portion of the eyebrow to achieve a balanced appearance.
Tail of the Eyebrow: Elevating this part contributes significantly to opening the lateral gaze, reducing ptosis of the upper eyelid and improving expression lines around the eyes.

Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles, eliminating the daily contractions that contribute to the formation of wrinkles and sagging of the eyebrow skin. The result is a higher eyebrow and a rejuvenated and vibrant look.

Conclusion: Brow lifting with botulinum toxin is an effective and safe solution to rejuvenate your look and recover facial youth. By understanding the muscle complexities and individual needs of each person, the results are natural and long-lasting.

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