
Discover the 3 Essential Procedures for Smart and Lasting Rejuvenation

In the aging process, various factors such as the loss of facial volumes, fat atrophy and a decrease in collagen production contribute to the loss of facial angles and the obvious signs of the passage of time. To counteract these effects, it is crucial to approach rejuvenation from a comprehensive perspective that goes beyond simply eliminating expression lines.

Discover the 3 Key Procedures for Smart Rejuvenation:

Smart Peeling: Smart Peeling is a revolutionary procedure that rejuvenates the skin from its innermost layers. With enzymatic technology, remove damaged skin without irritation or peeling. Benefits include improvement in skin quality, elimination of blemishes and fine lines, hydration and recovery of firmness.
Smooth Biostimulating Threads: These biostimulating threads generate new, high-quality collagen, reducing sagging skin and providing strength to the tissues. Its effect is long-term, since, even if the threads are removed, the collagen created is naturally preserved. Experience skin redensification, improved texture and reduced sagging.
Botulinum Toxin: Botulinum Toxin, a favorite for rejuvenation, not only eliminates existing expression lines, but prevents the formation of new wrinkles. With harmonization techniques, it achieves a lifting effect and subtle lifting of the eyelids, providing numerous benefits such as improving skin quality and eliminating expression lines.

Additional: Hyaluronic Acid for an Extra Touch: Hyaluronic acid is essential for rejuvenation in key areas such as the temporal fossa, cheekbones and mandibular arch. These strategic points achieve a lifting effect, recovering facial angles and adding harmony to your face.


The rejuvenation process can be complex, but with these innovative procedures, your face will undergo a smart and lasting transformation. You will not regret having a healthier and more harmonious appearance.

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