Diferencia entre peeling y smart peeling

Differences between peeling and smart peeling

In our quest to improve the quality of our skin, it is common for us to consider different types of dermatological treatments. For example, peeling and smart peeling. Healthy skin contributes to our overall well-being and enhances any other treatment we may have. From blemishes, acne marks, wrinkles, and open pores to dehydrated skin, peels have become an increasingly popular option.

This article will explore the differences between the traditional peel and the Smart Peel.

What is a peel?

A peel is a dermatological treatment. It is based on the exfoliation of the most superficial layers of the skin to favor its replacement by new skin of better quality. We have two types of traditional peels:

Mechanical: These peelings involve processes that use apparatology. Such as microdermabrasion with a diamond tip, ultrasonic peeling or even peeling creams. These work by rubbing directly on the skin to promote peeling.

Chemical: They are performed by applying different acids according to the skin’s needs. These treatments generate a controlled chemical burn. This allows the skin to peel, which often involves irritation and subsequent sloughing of the skin. Chemical peels can be superficial, medium or deep, according to the needs of the skin. They usually require more intensive care.

What is Smart Peeling or enzymatic peeling?

Smart Peeling or enzymatic peeling is a revolutionary technique in the field of aesthetic treatments that uses enzymes to exfoliate and regenerate the skin in a gentle and effective way. Traditional chemical peels use acidic substances to exfoliate the skin. Smart Peeling, on the other hand, is based on the action of the enzyme keratinase.

Keratinase is a natural enzyme found in the human body that can remove keratin. Keratin is a protein present in the outer layer of the skin. When the enzyme is applied to the skin, it activates an enzymatic process that dissolves and degrades dead skin cells. These promote the regeneration of new, healthy cells.

One of the main advantages of the Smart Peeling is that it generates minimal facial inflammation. It does not cause flaking or skin irritation. This makes it a practical option for people with sensitive or irritation-prone skin. In addition, since it does not cause peeling, it is possible to perform this treatment at any time of the year, even in summer, when sun exposure is higher.

What are the differences between traditional peeling and Smart Peeling?

The main difference between chemical peeling and Smart Peeling lies in how they interact with the skin:

Irritation and desquamation: unlike the chemical peel, which can generate burns on the skin, producing irritation, desquamation and inflammation. SmartPeeling does not irritate or peel the skin since it works with enzymes that degrade the skin without harming it.

  • Pain: While chemical peeling can be uncomfortable, SmartPeeling is not painful and is applied with the dermapen technique or topically.
  • Sun exposure: After a chemical peel, it is recommended to avoid sun exposure for at least ten days to avoid pigmentation of sensitive skin. However, with the SmartPeel, only two days without direct sun exposure are required.
  • Number of sessions and costs: SmartPeeling reduces the number of sessions needed. This makes it a more economical treatment in the long term compared to a chemical peel.
  • Versatility: SmartPeeling can be applied to all skin types. It offers a wide variety of enzyme combinations. It is even suitable for sensitive skin or skin with pathologies such as rosacea.
  • Results: The results of a chemical peel can begin to be seen after 15 days of treatment. The final result may take approximately one month to be seen. On the other hand, the SmartPeeling offers almost immediate results after its application.

Peeling or Smart Peeling Which is better for me?

The traditional peel has been used for decades to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Chemical substances such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid are used for this procedure.

On the other hand, smart peeling is a more advanced technique that uses laser technology or radiofrequency devices to achieve even more precise results. Being more controlled and customizable, the smart peel allows you to treat specific areas of the skin, such as deep wrinkles, pigmented spots, or acne, without affecting the surrounding areas.

So which one is best for you?

Without a doubt, the SmartPeel or Smart Peel. The Smart Peel is a much more skin-friendly treatment. It does not cause irritation or flaking, allowing normal daily activities to continue. In addition, it provides noticeable changes in the skin quickly. If you are looking for an effective and quick recovery treatment, SmartPeeling is an excellent option.

Do not hesitate to try it, you will surely love it! Remember to consult with our dermatologists at Belleza Latina for a personalized assessment and proper diagnosis.

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