Cachetes de buldog

Bulldog Cheeks: Causes and Solutions in Aesthetic Medicine

Bulldog cheeks, known colloquially, refer to the accumulation of fat in the corners of the mouth giving an impression of sadness. The correct name for this fat is “jawl”, and it is related to the weakness of the facial ligaments that causes the fat in that region to silk, creating a bulldog-like appearance.

This phenomenon is common during aging, when facial structures sag due to gravity, resulting in the loss of facial angles.

The good news is that these problems can be solved through minimally invasive procedures, which we will detail in this article.

Structural Repositioning

In cases of ligament weakness, repositioning is key and is achieved through various techniques:

Hyaluronic Acid at Strategic Points: applied to the temporal fossa, cheekbones and mandibular arch, hyaluronic acid can return structures to their original position without altering the natural anatomy. Working in all three areas simultaneously provides optimal results.

Biostimulators: These substances generate new collagen, tightening the skin and improving its quality. In cases of excess fat, it is recommended to remove it before this treatment for more effective and lasting results.

Localized Fat Removal

Much of facial sagging is due to excess localized fat. The removal of this fat can restore facial harmony:

Lipoenzymes: localized cocktails are injected to remove fat in specific areas. Ideal for small fat deposits, multiple sessions are usually required.

Localized Fat Removal: localized cocktails are injected to remove fat in specific areas. Ideal for small fat deposits, multiple sessions are usually required.

Surgical Options

Surgical Lift: For dramatic results, the lift tightens the skin completely, restoring structure. Remember, combined treatments offer greater coverage and better results. We always customize techniques according to your needs and goals. At our aesthetic medicine clinic, we help you regain a rejuvenated and natural look – contact us today!


In summary, bulldog cheeks, that excess fat in the corners of the mouth that can confer a sad appearance, are a common concern related to aging and weak facial ligaments. Fortunately, aesthetic medicine offers effective solutions to restore facial harmony and rejuvenate your appearance.

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