Baby Botox: do you know the best age to apply it?

Botox has been one of the most popular treatments in the world of aesthetics and has even been viewed negatively by some people.

But understandably, there is very little information on the subject and all that is known is that it “removes wrinkles”. Therefore, there is not extensive knowledge about its process.

This has led many to think that Botox is only for older people.

But what if I told you that you can start from a young age?

That’s right.

Therefore, we urge you to read on and find out from what age you can start applying it.


✅ Start early with Baby Botox


If you were wondering what is the perfect age to start using Botox, there is none.

In fact, the ideal is to start when the first wrinkles begin to form.


Because this way you can prevent the first signs of aging.

But due to the lack of information that exists in society, most people start with the treatment once they notice the first wrinkle.

However, there is no denying that more and more women know about this subject and start very early (usually from the age of 30).

This treatment is known as baby botox and more than correcting, it is about preventing and delaying the signs of aging.


✅ What is the role of Baby Botox?


Preventive botox treatment aims to relax and smooth the movement of facial muscles to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles before they become permanent.

When frowning or smiling, the facial muscles contract and wrinkle the skin. This is known as dynamic wrinkles and they begin to appear around the age of 25.

As the skin ages, it loses elasticity and wrinkles that were initially dynamic become permanent deep furrows, leaving wrinkles to appear.


✅ How long will last?


There are several brands on the market such as: botox, xeomeen, nabota.

In Belleza Latina we use dysport, which is authorized by the FDA.

Its great advantage is that it has a fast onset of action, that is, you will begin to notice the effect 2-5 days after application with a duration of approximately 4-6 months.

Of course, it is important to note that this will also depend on your care as well as your lifestyle.

Also, dysport Botox contains a lower amount of protein, which makes it less prone to antibody formation. This means that in multiple long-term applications it will not develop resistance.

Therefore, you will be able to see its effects with each application.


✅ Where can I apply Baby Botox?


Most common areas of application are: forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes (also known as “crow’s feet”). However, it can also be applied to wrinkles on the side of the nose, known as “bunny lines”, on the chin and for brow lifts.

Today, the application of Botox is the aesthetic procedure most frequently used by women and, yes, also by an increasing number of men.

The reason is that it is a quick and painless treatment whose benefits can be obtained from a very early age and, a sustained application over time, leads to a continuous repair process that leads to prolonged and positive effects for our skin.

So why not start now?

I want my Baby Botox

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