Blackheads: why do they keep appearing?

Maybe at some point you asked yourself this question.

Blackheads are that little aesthetic problem that is not usually given much importance.

It has happened to all of us at one time or another.

However, there is a point when this problem becomes bigger, even reaching other areas of your body besides the face.

That’s why today I want to tell you all about blackheads, what they are and how to get rid of them.  


What are blackheads?


Blackheads are one of the main symptoms of acne.

It is a clogged pore due to the overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands which, in contact with air, oxidize. Therefore, they turn the black color we already know.

Sebum itself is not something we should eliminate, as it helps to lubricate the skin and create a protective barrier that blocks the elimination of bacteria.

However, excessive production is not a good thing either, as it clogs the exit duct of the glands, making these residues unable to drain ❌.


Why does the body maintain these blackheads?


This is because the body doesn’t detect these blackheads as a threat, therefore, they remain on our skin and don’t become inflamed. In fact, if you touch them you will not feel any discomfort, just a small relief.

The most common areas where these blackheads are located are the forehead, nose and chin. However, they can also appear on the back, chest, neck, arms and shoulders.


How to remove blackheads?


The first thing is to change your skincare routine and if you don’t have one, start by having one.

So, here are our tips


Add keratolytic and comedolytic actives


One example is salicylic acid. This hydroxy acid opens the pore and removes dead cells, facilitating skin renewal.

Thanks to this, imperfections are reduced and blackheads are prevented from forming again.

You can find these active ingredients in:

  • Skin cleansers
  • Creams
  • Gels
  • Serum
  •     Some sunscreens.




This is another ingredient that has revolutionized skincare thanks to its benefits.

Niacinamide is a sebum regulator and anti-inflammatory that helps control acne.

This vitamin can be found in:

  • Creams
  • Serum
  • Moisturizers
  • Mists
  • Sunscreens
  •     Micellar waters


What not to do?


It is important that, when it comes to removing blackheads, we avoid certain actions that are detrimental to us.

These are


Avoid peel off masks


Nowadays, there are several commercial brands that manufacture peel-off masks, which focus on removing all the blackheads in one go.

However, they actually only remove the superficial part of the blackhead and usually cause skin irritation.

👉 As a result, the blackhead will reappear, as the underlying cause is not being treated.


Beware of alcohol, menthol and eucalyptus


In the search for the right facial routine, you may come across products that claim to eliminate blackheads from the first application 🚩.

However, these products contain alcohol, menthol and eucalyptus, which irritate and dry out your skin. This makes the body think it lacks the ability to produce more oil, which is counterproductive.


Don’t remove blackheads manually


Avoid doing this at all costs 🙅♀.

Doing so can cause irritation that could end up in a blemish or worse: a scar.

So, before carrying out any action, we recommend you to go to a specialist.



What happens if I don’t remove a blackhead?


Absolutely nothing happens.

What happens is that this impurity remains in our skin, since it doesn’t generate any alert to the body.

However, even though it doesn’t cause us any harm on a physical level, it does on an emotional level.

👉 For this reason, we recommend you to follow each of our tips.




How to avoid blackheads on the face


All skins are different. Therefore, what works for one person may not work for you.

For that reason, it is important that you know your skin very well, what foods affect it, what its type is and what products work best for it.

Become a researcher of your skin and I assure you that the results won’t be long in coming.

👉 Knowing this, these are the actions you can take now:


  • Perform facial cleansing right after waking up and before going to sleep.
  • Use a moisturizer.
  • Perform an exfoliation once a week.


It is important to note that this simple routine should be performed with the most appropriate products for your skin.


Final recommendations


A skincare routine focused on removing dead skin cells, opening pores and regulating sebum production will help you control the appearance of blackheads.

However, if you feel that the skincare products are not enough and you notice that more are appearing or, if you see that the products are irritating your skin, it is best to consult with a dermatologist

In fact, we recommend that you go long before starting any routine, as he or she will know how to guide you and advise you on the right products for your skin type.

At Belleza Latina we want you to feel good in your own skin, so follow our recommendations and wait for the results.



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