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Bichectomy: I want to contour my face, but I’m afraid of bichectomy.

Are you thinking about a bichectomy to slim your face and enhance your cheekbones? Would you like to learn more about this technique that has become so popular in the world of facial care? You’ve come to the right place! 

At Belleza Latina, we specialize in everything related to treatments that aim to give you the look you want. And in this article, we tell you everything you need to know about bichectomy. Read on!

The desire of many is to obtain a contoured face that highlights their best attributes. However, when the subject of facial contouring comes up, there is usually a great deal of uncertainty. 

And yes, there are patients who long for a slimmer face, but do not dare to opt for a bichectomy, perhaps because they have heard rumors about its relationship with premature aging, or perhaps they know someone whose results were not optimal.

What is a bichectomy and why is it performed?

A bichectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of fat pads, also known as Bichat’s balls or Bichat’s pouches, located in the cheeks. This surgery is mainly performed to outline and stylize the face, reducing the “rounded face” aspect.

Most people who opt for bichectomy seek to slim their cheeks and highlight their cheekbones. It is a procedure that is not only popular among celebrities, but also among those seeking a subtle but striking change in their facial appearance.

Bichectomy is a technique that aims to outline the middle third of the face. You know when you draw a line with makeup from your earlobe to the corner of your mouth for effect? Exactly that! This procedure not only gives depth and dimension, but also slims the face. 

Now, one crucial detail is that there is no other treatment that offers these specific results.

And no, bichectomy does not cause premature aging. While it is most recommended to be performed up to the age of 35, it is not directly linked to the aging process. In addition, there are cases in which bichectomy does not offer noticeable results due to the existence of deep fat in the face, which must be properly treated. 

And although every procedure has its risks, if you decide to have a bichectomy, choose a trusted clinic like Belleza Latina, and follow our recommendations to the letter, you can rest assured.

What is involved in the bichectomy process?

Bichectomy is a relatively quick surgery and is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth, specifically in the buccal area, and removes the fatty tissue found in the cheeks, known as Bichat’s ball.

The postoperative period for bichectomy is quite tolerable. Swelling is the most frequent inconvenience, but it is usually mild and decreases after 2-3 days. Moreover, the result is definitive: say goodbye to bulging cheeks forever!

Not for you? Here are some other alternatives

If the bichectomy does not convince you or you feel it does not fit what you are looking for, do not worry, there are several alternatives that will help you enhance and beautify your face:

Superficial fat removal with lipoenzymes:

  • What are they? Lipoenzymes are a combination of substances that, when injected in specific areas, contribute to the dissolution of fat.
  • Advantages: This procedure is non-surgical, which means less recovery time and risk. The treated areas have minimal swelling, and results can begin to be noticed after 15 days.
  • Considerations: Depending on the amount of fat to be treated, you may need more than one session, which could increase the total cost.

Laser contouring:

  • How does it work? A special laser is used that penetrates the skin, eliminating fat cells and promoting collagen production for firmer, tighter skin.
  • Advantages: It is an excellent option for those with significant fat deposits. In addition to removing fat, it helps prevent sagging.
  • Considerations: Recovery may involve the need to wear a chin brace and perform postoperative massage to optimize results. Subsequent swelling may delay the appearance of the final results.

Treatment of bruxism with botox:

  • Why botox? Botulinum toxin (botox) is injected into the masseter muscles to relax them, thus reducing their size.
  • Advantages: In addition to offering cosmetic benefits, it will alleviate the discomfort associated with bruxism. It is a quick procedure and results can last for several months.
  • Considerations: It is crucial to have a trained professional perform the procedure to avoid complications.

Accentuation of light spots with hyaluronic acid:

  • What is it? It is a dermal filler used to add volume and definition to specific areas.
  • Benefits: It can help enhance the chin, jaw angle and other areas, providing a more defined and harmonious outline.
  • Considerations: Results are temporary, so you will need touch-ups periodically.


Bichectomy, while it has established itself as a popular and effective option for facial contouring, is not the only route that can lead you to a more defined and harmonious face. As we have explored, there are several alternatives to suit individual needs and expectations, each with its own advantages and considerations.

Choosing a cosmetic procedure is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is essential to be well informed, to be clear about what you hope to achieve and, above all, to have the guidance and advice of trusted professionals in the field. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel confident, comfortable and satisfied with your choice.

Always remember that beauty is subjective and multifaceted. The bottom line is how you feel about yourself and how you perceive your self-image. These treatments are tools at your disposal to help you achieve the best version of yourself, but your inner well-being and confidence are the real key to looking radiant.

At Belleza Latina, our commitment is to guide you and provide you with the best solutions, tailored to you. We value the uniqueness of each individual and work with passion so that each person who trusts us can discover and enhance their innate beauty. 

It’s not just about changing a part of you, but about enhancing and celebrating all that makes you unique. We look forward to seeing you together on this journey of self-discovery and enhancement of your natural beauty!

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