All about hydrolipoclasy (liposuction without surgery)

In previous years, it would have been difficult to imagine a treatment such as hydrolipoclasy.

When it came to aesthetic medicine, surgeries were always present.

However, these procedures were too invasive for many patients and at the same time expensive, so the demand for other alternatives grew.

Fortunately today we have those alternatives and today we will tell you about one of them: hydrolipoclasy 👊.

In this article you will know everything about this replacement to liposuction, what it consists of and what are its aftercare.


Hydrolipoclasy: what is it?


Hydrolipoclasy comes from the combination of three names. On the one hand we have hydro which means “water”, lipo as “fat cell” and clasia as “rupture”. Therefore, this procedure consists of breaking (eliminating) this fat in liquid form.

To begin with, local anesthesia is applied and then a solution containing fat burners and skin firming agents is infiltrated subdermally into the area to be treated.

We then use ultrasound to perform a cavitation that mobilizes the liquid and breaks up the fat cells (lipolysis).

Unlike traditional liposuction, hydrolipoclasy doesn’t manually suction the fat, but the liquid is eliminated by natural metabolic pathways.

For this reason, we recommend accompanying the treatment with exercise, plenty of hydration and good nutrition. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will have the results for a long time, since habits would return to form the fat that was eliminated 😞.



Hydrolipoclasy for weight loss?


There is a lot of confusion regarding hydrolipoclasy and weight loss. However, this treatment is only designed to shape the body, reducing measurements in areas such as the abdomen, arms, crotch and back.

This means that hydrolipoclasy is not designed to lose weight, so if that is also the objective, the ideal would be to accompany it with a good diet without excess sugars and fats, good hydration and of course, physical activity.

If you combine these 3 factors, you will obtain better results and maintenance over time.

Hydrolipoclasy helps you to see results faster, but your discipline and constancy in the doctor’s indications will keep them.


Ultrasonic hydrolipoclasy and its benefits


One of the great advantages over traditional lipo is its price, being an affordable treatment. In addition, as it is done on an outpatient basis, without requiring hospitalization, it is much faster, painless and very effective.

You can reduce 2 to 3 cm in each season and once the procedure is finished you can continue your daily activities without any problem.

With hydrolipoclasy you will be able to obtain:

✅ Body contouring

✅ Size reduction

✅ Weight control

✅ Cellulite reduction

✅ Localized fat elimination

✅ Body detoxification




Once hydrolipoclasy is performed, swelling may appear, which usually lasts from 5 to 7 days.

Likewise, some bruising may appear in the area of application, reddening of the skin, slight discomfort and sensation of heat, being these symptoms completely normal and usually last no more than 1 week.

Physical activities can be resumed 48 hours after the treatment and it is recommended to avoid smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages after the treatment ❌.

Likewise, lymphatic drainage massages can be used to reduce inflammation.


Where do you perform hydrolipoclasy?


In our aesthetic medicine clinic you can find the wonderful body sculpt package, with which you can get the hydrolipoclasy, among other treatments that will help you get the figure of your dreams 🙌.

If you want to know more about this package, we have written a whole article about it so you can solve all your doubts.

Make your appointment now 😉

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