All about facial flaccidity: How to treat it?

You’ve probably heard about facial sagging.

Maybe you know it’s an age thing and you don’t take action to prevent it.

And it’s completely normal.

The problem is that it can also occur in younger people if they don’t take the right actions.

You’re probably one of them (or maybe not).

But, no matter what stage of your life you are in, in this article you are going to find everything you need to know about sagging, either to prevent it or to fight it 👊.


What is flaccidity?


This is the loss of skin tone and firmness due to a decrease in collagen and elastin.

In fact, if this is your case, you may notice that the skin becomes thinner, loses fat and no longer looks so lush and smooth 😥.

This process occurs from the age of 25 to 30, since from that age onwards you start to compromise all facial tissues such as:

  •         The skin
  •         The subcutaneous cellular tissue
  •         The retaining ligaments
  •         The superficial aponeurotic muscle system.
  •         Bone support (in some cases).

👉 Therefore, it is the problem that causes the most concern, as it is one of the first signs of aging.


What causes facial flaccidity?


It is important to mention that flaccidity is not always linked to age, there are factors that can cause its early appearance.

These are the most common causes:


➡️ Hereditary


Predisposes to the appearance of flaccidity at an early age.


➡️ Environmental factors


This includes not only the weather, but also contact with solvents and detergents, dry air from heating systems and pollution.


➡️ Nutrition and unhealthy eating habits


Eating a balanced and healthy diet is essential to prevent the signs of aging.


➡️ Some diseases


Diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and endocrinological disorders may fall into this category.


➡️ Ultraviolet (UVA) radiation and free radicals


This is the most common cause.

Why does this happen?

UVA rays break down elastin fibers and prolonged exposure to these rays makes the fibers unrepairable.

One of the body areas that is most exposed to the sun is the face and after that it can be the hands, neck and décolleté area.

For this reason, these are the areas where skin aging is most noticeable.


➡️ Gaining and losing weight in a short period of time


In this case we can give as an example pregnancy.


➡️ Smoking and drinking alcohol


Nicotine and alcohol are major causes of various diseases. Likewise, they are also one of the factors of facial flaccidity.


➡️ Some medications


One of these is prednisone, a drug prescribed mainly to treat problems such as asthma, flu, fever and cough.

Its main characteristic is that it is a synthetic corticosteroid.


➡️ Insomnia


Not getting adequate sleep is another factor in premature aging.

For that reason, you should make sure you have a good sleep routine and seek help if necessary.


How to combat facial flaccidity?


In the past, surgery was one of the main resources to correct any aesthetic aspect.

Nowadays patients prefer less invasive procedures with natural results.

For that reason, in our clinic we only include those that are. In fact, the only surgeries we perform are those that are performed on an outpatient basis, being quick recovery.

But back to the main topic of this article… how can you treat flaccidity?

For this we present you 5 effective treatments that will help you fight flaccidity. So say goodbye 👋 to surgical risks and take a look at all these options



With this treatment you will be able to apply several active ingredients in the dermis. The purpose of this is to synthesize new collagen and elastin.

The substances that make this possible are:

  •         Organic silicon
  •         DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)
  •         Centella asiática

Among others.



Thanks to its microneedles, it is an excellent carrier that allows us to apply active ingredients. Because of this, the results are enhanced.

These microneedles cause a controlled lesion in the skin to allow the stimulation of the synthesis of growth factors and fibroblasts.

For this reason collagen is produced, which gives the skin elasticity again 🙌.


Dermal fillers

Like hyaluronic acid, this treatment not only focuses on hydrating the skin, it can also add volume.

Therefore, we can reposition those sagging tissues, achieving a tightening effect that induces the indirect production of collagen.


Collagen biostimulators

This treatment has the effect of giving volume but also has the ability to generate collagen ✅.

Its application method favors this “tightening” effect and repositioning of the tissues.

Its main compounds are polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxyapatite.


Tensor threads

The last treatment on the list and one of the lightest.

Therefore, it is only recommended when flaccidity is not so noticeable.

The use of tensor threads generates a traction that repositions the tissues and, when these threads are reabsorbed, the formation of collagen around them is stimulated.

Consequently, the result lasts longer and is visible almost immediately.


How to prevent facial flaccidity?


If you don’t have facial flaccidity yet, you can take action now to delay it.

Yes, we say delay because this is a natural human process.

These actions include:

  • Use sunscreen.
  • Getting the necessary amount of sleep.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Have a skincare routine.


What are my options with Belleza Latina?


In our clinic we can create an approach plan for you, which tries to determine the cause of the flaccidity 🧐.

This is because our main mission is focused on eliminating the underlying problem 👊 In this way, we avoid that after applying the treatments it reproduces again soon after.

Aging is natural, but at the right times.

📝 Make an appointment for an assessment and get the personalized plan you need.


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