Acne: can it cure itself or should it be treated?

Have you heard phrases like these about acne?


It heals itself.

It shouldn’t be treated.

That’s because of poor hygiene.

The more you wash your face, the less acne you will have.

That’s a liver or kidney problem.


Well, you probably have.


However, many patients have tried all the most popular recommendations and still continue with this problem.

So if you suffer from acne or want to know a little more about it, stay and read this article. We will clear up all your doubts.


👉 What is acne?


The first thing to know is that acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicle.

It is characterized by the presence of papules-pustules, comedones, nodules, cysts, scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on the face, chest and back.

It can occur at any age, but is predominantly seen at ages 12-25 years (85%), 25-34 years (8%) and 35-44 years (3%).


👉 Does acne heal itself?


60% of cases resolve spontaneously. However, there are factors that trigger the appearance of acne. These are:

  • Sebaceous hypersecretion.
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis and pore obstruction.
  • Proliferation of bacterial flora in the follicle (Propionibacterium acnes).
  • Alteration of immunity.
  • Hormonal disturbances (androgenic stimulation).
  • Neuroendocrine mechanisms.
  • Genetic factors.
  • External factors such as diet, cosmetics, drugs, smoking, stress, etc.


Therefore, acne must often be treated to be completely eradicated.


👉 Hormonal acne


It is one of the most common types of acne and in some cases it may improve without any treatment. However, ideally, the appearance of the lesion should be controlled to avoid sequelae.

The treating physician must diagnose with a thorough medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests. After that, he/she will recommend the most appropriate treatment for the patient to determine the cause and stop the life cycle of the acne.

This is intended to prevent the long-term physical and emotional scarring that comes with this disease.

Several classifications have been used to determine treatment:


  • Clinical presentation and severity.
  • The type and number of predominant lesions.
  • Their extent, location and the presence of scarring.


👉 What is the purpose of acne treatment?


The goals of acne treatment are:

  • Reduce or eliminate lesions.
  • Improve the patient’s discomfort and physical appearance.
  • Avoid relapses.
  • Prevent the appearance of scarring and hyperpigmentation.
  • Reduce the psychological impact and improve their quality of life.


👉 How to remove acne?


To remove definitive acne we can mention 4 options. These are:


✅ 1. Topical treatment


This option is for mild cases of acne and components such as benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid and retinoids are applied because they don’t create long-term resistance.

Depending on the patient’s skin type, the most appropriate one will be selected to avoid irritation, dryness, flaking, redness and itching.


✅ 2. Pills and drugs


This option also includes antibiotics, so it is not a first choice treatment, as it may generate resistance.

The duration may be several weeks in order to appreciate the response to treatment and, although it is tolerable, it may cause mild local irritation and photosensitivity.


✅ 3.  Systemic retinoids


Also known as oral isotretinoin, it is the most effective drug for the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne, including severe nodular acne.

It works by reducing sebum production by up to 90%, normalizing hyperkeratinization and reducing colonization by P. acnes (Cutibacterium acnes).

Not all patients are candidates for this treatment, so laboratory studies should be requested at the beginning and for follow-up. In addition, it is contraindicated in pregnant women and women of childbearing age due to its teratogenicity.


✅ 4. Oral contraceptives


They should only be used by women. These contraceptives combine estrogen and progestin and act by reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands and the formation of androgens.

The treating physician will choose the specific treatment for each case.


👉 Can home remedies be used for acne?


For the treatment of acne, alternatives have been used to potentiate the results, such as:


  • Acne masks.
  • Exfoliating alpha hydroxy acids.
  • Zinc or sulfur soaps.
  •  Cream with probiotics or retinoids.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Fractionated CO2 laser.
  • Fractionated radiofrequency.
  •  Mechanical or chemical removal of comedones.
  • Chemical or enzymatic peeling.
  • Dermapen with platelet-rich plasma and stem cells with exosomes.
  • High-frequency facial cleansing.
  • Local corticosteroid injections.


These therapies have shown variable and in some cases promising results, but under no circumstances can their use be justified to the exclusion of pharmacological treatment.



👉 General recommendations for acne


If you suffer or have suffered from this skin disease, it is important that, in addition to the treatments, you follow these recommendations:

  • Gently wash the area 1 to 2 times a day with water and neutral soap with low pH, then dry the face carefully.
  • Wash hair regularly and avoid contact with the face.
  • Use a non-greasy emollient cream in the morning to minimize local irritation.
  • Patients treated with oral isotretinoin, also use a lip balm.
  • Avoid greasy or comedogenic creams and cosmetics and use water-based (oil-free) products.
  • Avoid aggressive washing and don’t manipulate the lesions.
  • As far as possible, avoid sun exposure and use sunscreens (SPF 50) for acne-prone skin (oil-free).
  • Avoid photosensitizing drugs and those that can induce or aggravate acne.


👉 What should I consider before starting acne treatment?


Any acne treatment may initially trigger an exacerbation of acne. In fact, it may take weeks or months to obtain an adequate and sufficient response.

There is also the possibility of relapses, which is why maintenance treatment is also recommended.

At cutaneous level we may present some adverse effects that are part of the treatment, but as time goes by this will normalize.

The key to this whole process is to have a lot of patience, discipline and perseverance.

So, if you are about to start any treatment for acne I send you all my support and remember that we will always be here to support you with any questions you may have. 💙

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