5 myths of Botox that you must debunk

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard at least some of these Botox myths.

And it’s completely normal.

It is a procedure that has gained a bad reputation due to its excessive application.

However, all these myths that arise around it go beyond excessive application. They simply demonize it completely, making those who wish to apply it end up getting phobic about it.

👉For that reason, in this article we want to present you the 5 myths of Botox that you should debunk and our explanation to each one.


❌ Myth 1: After the effect of Botox wears off, I may become more wrinkled


False. When the Botox wears off (which is between 4 and 6 months), you return to your normal expressions.


❌ Myth 2: Botox paralyzes the face


False. Botox is a protein that relaxes the muscles in the area to be treated. It is worth mentioning that this relaxation allows normal gesticulation to continue.

The most frequent areas of application are the forehead, between the eyebrows and crow’s feet.

In addition, if properly applied, natural results will be obtained, giving a youthful and radiant appearance


❌ Myth 3:  Botox application is painful


False. Botox is a painless treatment, as it is non-invasive. Therefore, it is performed by means of microinjections, with which the patient will feel a slight pinprick.


❌ Myth 4: Botox is harmful to health


False. Botox is harmless, in other words, it doesn’t cause any type of damage.

It is a protein that has been used in medicine for more than 20 years. It has even been used in various specialties such as ophthalmology, dermatology and neurology. Therefore, it is a completely beneficial substance 👍.

Also, complications from its application are minimal. For that reason, we always recommend you to choose well the clinic where you are going to perform the procedure.


❌ Myth 5: Botox is only for people over 40


False. This is probably one of the most widely spread myths of Botox in society.

Previously, the application of Botox was associated with older people, since they wanted to eliminate expression lines marked by age.

Today, however, Botox is used for more than just correcting wrinkles, it is also used to prevent wrinkles and at the same time provide a fresher and more rested face.

In fact, this procedure is known as “baby botox” and has gained popularity in recent years.


What to do about the myths of Botox?


To debunk them with basis and foundation, we recommend you to solve all your doubts with a specialist.

📝In our clinic we can make an assessment appointment where we will answer all your questions and talk to you in detail about the myths of Botox and its truths.

It is important that if you have any doubts, you consult with a person specialized in the field and not just any random person.


I know the myths of Botox, but… what are the truths?


If you want to know more about Botox, I invite you to know our Botox service where we answer the most frequently asked questions, we mention the benefits and who are the candidates to apply it.

🧐 We have also written several interesting articles that will help you understand how this procedure works.

So now you know, don’t be guided by these myths and always choose well-founded and real information 🙌.

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