Solutions for droopy eyelids that we swear by

Men and women are affected by this and I know you are here to get rid of them and find about these proven solutions for droopy eyelids.

Also you’ve probably heard the phrase “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and according to several researches, the eyes are really the windows of our mind.

Getting deep on this topic, we know it’s a problem we don’t want anymore because let’s be honest, who wants to convey tiredness, sadness or old age?

Exactly, no one.

That’s why I’ve taken the task of showing you the 4 most effective solutions for droopy eyelids.

Stay tune!

✅ Droopy eyelid and its causes


Before telling you about the solutions for droopy eyelids, it is important for you to know why this happens.

Well, it happens that over time the periorbital tissues tend to droop or weaken, the tail of the eyebrow droops, there is redundant skin folding, the muscles weaken and the fatty tissue becomes more evident.

The name by which we know this process is ” droopy eyelid”. However, its real name is “dermatochalasis”.

Now… why does it originate?

Generally speaking, there are 3 main causes:


  • The normal aging process
  • Congenital or hereditary.
  • The result of injury or disease


There are also other factors associated with lifestyle habits such as smoking, obesity, sleeplessness, dehydration, among others.


✅ What are the solutions for droopy eyelids?


Nowadays there are multiple treatments, depending on the degree of flaccidity or functional affectation.

The best known is the surgery called blepharoplasty where the redundant skin is removed. The disadvantage is the recovery time and that sometimes there may be a noticeable scar.

Therefore, if you want to lift a droopy eyelid without surgery and without invasive methods, these 4 solutions are for you.


👉 Application of Botox (botulinum toxin):


The application of botulinum toxin acts by relaxing the periocular musculature, preventing the formation of expression lines. It works on dynamic wrinkles (those produced by movements) and its duration varies according to the person, being on average 4 to 6 months.

Although it doesn’t completely eliminate the drooping eyelid, it greatly improves the appearance in the periocular area.


👉 Plasma Fibroblast


It is a pen that works with high carbonization technology. Its function is to ionize gases in the air to create a tiny electric arc that, once it touches the surface of the skin, the heat generated is transferred to the epidermis until it reaches the papillary layer containing the fibroblast cells.

The result is the contraction and hardening of the skin cells, which causes the excessive skin to shrink.

It is an effective treatment, although it is important to mention that not everyone is a candidate, as great care must be taken during recovery (15-21 days) and several sessions are required to obtain a good result.

If you are not careful, you could get a spot or scar.


👉 Fractional CO2 laser


This treatment consists of emitting tiny beams of light that penetrate the skin down to the dermis in the form of hundreds of thermal columns, which are microscopic small wounds that are surrounded by healthy tissue.

This tissue contains keratinocytes, the cells capable of promoting rapid healing and high collagen production. In addition, it is a minimally invasive treatment, the recovery time is short and it doesn’t generate scars.

Several sessions are required to see the benefits.


👉 Collagen threads


It consists of the implantation of Polydioxanone (PDO) threads that create a vectorial network that acts as a support to the tissues, improving the effects of flaccidity in the face.

It also favors the formation of new collagen and the revitalization of the tissues in the treated area. Its effect lasts for one year and, depending on the degree of flaccidity, the number of threads to be placed in the area is chosen.

The only disadvantage could be the appearance of hematomas. However, this is not very common.

Finally, it can be combined with one of the previous treatments to obtain a better result.


✅ How to prevent droopy eyelids?


Yes, all of these solutions for droopy eyelids are super effective and will eradicate your droopy eyelid problem. However, it is important to take precautions to prevent them from coming back.

These are as follows:

  • Moisturize the eyelid skin.
  • Don’t forget to remove make-up.
  • Protect your eyes from the sun by using sunscreen.
  • Sleep and rest adequately.
  • Take care of your diet.

These 5 recommendations are essential to avoid droopy eyelids and keep your skin fresh and young at all times.

However, if you are currently experiencing this problem, don’t worry. Make an appointment with our professional doctors and they will evaluate you to know which is the best treatment for your case.

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