3 surprising facts about aging and tips for slowing it down

The word aging sounds very scary and you probably decided to read this article to delay this process at all cost. But have you ever thought about why we age?

I mean, we just know that we age and that’s it. In other words, we don’t usually know the background and that’s exactly the reason why we spend on expensive and costly treatments without knowing what their purpose is.

For that reason, in Belleza Latina, we want to tell you 3 essential facts about the process that occurs behind aging and 4 incredible options that you can take from now to delay it.


✅ Why do we age?


By definition, human aging is a gradual and adaptive process, characterized by a relative decrease in the homeostatic response. This is the balance that allows the organism to maintain proper functioning.

This balance is lost over the years, due to morphological, physiological, biochemical and psychological modifications caused by the accumulated wear and tear of the challenges faced by the organism.

Therefore, we age by a completely natural chemical process.


✅ What happens to our face as we age?


As we age, many things will change in our face, for example:

  • We will have ligament laxity.
  • Fat hypertrophy.
  • Muscle hypertrophy.
  • Bone resorption.
  • Loss of collagen and elastin.


All these natural changes combined will cause our face to decay and have a gloomy appearance.

To understand this better, we have to look at it this way: human body is a building that is ready to be inhabited. Therefore, you have to think about whether you want your building to be in the best condition to be able to live comfortably or you choose to struggle until you finally decide to move out.

The only difference here is that our body is the only building we have and moving is not optional.


✅ Is it possible to delay aging?

On more than one occasion we have talked about what aging represents, being a process that, despite being unstoppable, it is possible to delay it.

First of all, it should be mentioned that it is a universal process, but there are ways to reduce it to a great extent in order to have a better physical appearance.

In addition to the above, it is known that it is multifactorial, which means that it has several origins where most of them derive from external factors (eating habits, cigarettes, not applying sunscreen, etc.) that influence the shape of our face. However, the biological process we mentioned is the most important of all.

Knowing this is very important, we want you to meditate on the idea that it is something natural that must happen. However, you can delay it and in a completely natural and healthy way.


✅ 4 must-have treatments to delay aging


Before mentioning the treatments, it is important to know that skin care should begin at an early age, avoiding external factors that accelerate the process.

Thus, the most recommended treatments to prevent or treat the signs of aging are those that solve the initial problem. Consequently, a solid foundation is created from the inside that will give us a better external image and keep us stronger in the face of any biological change.

That said, we recommend the following treatments that should be part of any basic rejuvenation package.


  1. Tensor Threads

This type of thread is not intended to generate a great lifting effect, but to restore the quality of the skin. Therefore, it creates a support effect in areas where it no longer exists (mainly in the lower part of the face).

These threads should always be applied according to the needs of each person and, in short, they are natural and physiological biostimulators with progressive and lasting results.


  1. Hyaluronic acid

It is one of the most widely used natural fillers in recent times.

The best areas to apply it are the temporal fossae, the cheekbones and the jawline (for the outlining of the jaw). As a result, you will recover the triangle of youth, harmonizing your face in a natural and subtle way.


  1. Smart Peeling

With this type of treatment you can regenerate your skin without resorting to an invasive or expensive process. Its enzymatic action will help the process to be very safe and without discomfort with fast and progressive results.


  1. Botox

It is an essential partner in a preventive (and also corrective) way.

As we already mentioned, the natural biological process behind aging will cause effects on your skin such as expression lines that, if not treated in time, will fracture and require a filler to correct it.

For this reason, there is now a lot of emphasis on starting early to delay this process with micro doses of botox (baby botox) that will only relax the muscles to avoid further damage in the future.


✅ Final tips


Now you know, in a nutshell, that we are the sum of a set of things we did wrong or right. In order to understand the current picture of the situation, we must understand what is going on in our body. In this way, we will be able to better understand the function of each treatment.


Likewise, it is important to emphasize that the patient must feel comfortable at all times and his or her circumstances are what will define the basis for creating the most adaptive treatments.


Finally, you should not forget that any treatment should be combined with good eating habits, exercise and skin care routines at home. Because yes, aging is totally inevitable, but delaying it is completely possible.

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