Líneas de marioneta

Revitalize Your Smile: Complete Guide to Eliminate Puppet Lines

Marionette lines are a clear indication of the aging processes that affect our skin, especially around the mouth and chin. These lines, which extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin, can give a permanently sad look to our face. However, with advances in aesthetic medicine, there are multiple treatments available to fade these marks and rejuvenate your facial expression.

¿What Causes Puppet Lines?

Marionette lines form mainly due to the loss of elasticity and volume in the skin, which are natural consequences of aging. Factors such as genetics, sun exposure and lifestyle also play a crucial role. Over time, the cheekbones lose volume and, due to gravity, the skin begins to sag, forming deeper grooves around the mouth.

Treatment Options at Beauty Latina Clínic

At Belleza Latina Clínic, we specialize in a variety of aesthetic treatments that help mitigate marionette lines effectively:

1.Hyaluronic acid
This is one of the most popular dermal fillers due to its effectiveness and natural results. Hyaluronic acid not only fills in lines and wrinkles, but also stimulates collagen production, offering long-term benefits.

2.Botulinum toxin
Applied strategically, it can relax the muscles around the mouth, decreasing the depth of marionette lines. This technique helps prevent the formation of new lines by inhibiting repetitive movements that deepen them.

Biostimulators such as polylactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite work by inducing collagen production in the skin. These treatments improve the texture and firmness of the skin, reducing the appearance of lines.

4. Facial profiling with laser or enzymes
Laser facial contouring is an advanced technique that plays a crucial role in reducing marionette lines. This method not only eliminates localized fat, which is one of the main contributors to the appearance of these lines, but also tightens the tissues and increases collagen production in the treated area. The application of lipoenzymes is another effective option that assists in this process, providing a more targeted solution for those concerned about specific fat accumulation.

This treatment option is ideal for those seeking a comprehensive solution that addresses both fat reduction and improvement in skin firmness and texture, offering notable and long-lasting results in improving facial contour and reducing fine lines. puppet.



Puppet lines should not dictate the way you feel about your appearance. At Belleza Latina Clinic, we combine advanced techniques and a personalized approach to rejuvenate your face and revitalize your smile. Our specialists are here to advise you and select the most appropriate treatment according to your specific needs.

Visit us and discover how we can help you achieve a younger, fresher appearance, restoring confidence in your smile.

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