tratamiento para ojeras

Discover the Best Treatments to Eliminate Dark Circles and Recover the Vitality of your Look

The eyes, an authentic reflection of the soul, are key to the impression we make. Beyond expressing emotions, the area reveals details about the state of our skin and lifestyle. Discover the most effective treatments to eliminate dark circles and glow with a rejuvenated look.

Types of Dark Circles and Their Specific Treatments

Transient: Originated from lack of sleep or stress. They disappear naturally.
Treatment: Adequate rest and techniques to reduce stress.

Hyperpigmented: Caused by excess melanin in the eyelids.
Treatment: Revitalization with cellular treatment factors.

Sunken: They appear through the palpebral sulcus due to aging.
Treatment: Filler with hyaluronic acid.

Vascular: Dilation of blood vessels and thinning of the skin.
Treatment: Revitalization with cellular treatment factors.

Flabby (bags under the eyes): Consequence of aging and loss of collagen.
Treatment: Enzymatic lipolysis and radiofrequency.

Specific Treatments

These contain enzymes, vitamins and amino acids

Revitalization with Cellular Treatment Factors
Description: Nutrition booster with more than 50 ingredients for hydration, elasticity and luminosity.
Candidates: Hyperpigmented or vascular dark circles.
Application: Injections on dark circles in biweekly or monthly sessions.
Hyaluronic acid:
Description: Fills the palpebral sulcus, providing volume and natural shine.
Candidates: Patients with depression of the palpebral sulcus.
Application: Infiltration in two sessions, with immediate effects.
Enzymatic Lipolysis:
Description: Reduction of dark circles through natural enzymes.
Candidates: Those looking to reduce dark circles.
Sessions: Minimum 3 every 15 days.
Care: Increase water, avoid exercise and minimal post-treatment carbohydrate intake.
Tips to Avoid Dark Circles

Sleep well: 7-8 hours of restful sleep keeps skin healthy.
Take care of your diet: Proper nutrition improves circulation.
Sunscreen: Prevents photoaging and improves skin quality.
Limit tobacco and alcohol: Promotes healthier skin.

Conclusion: Recover the vitality of your eyes with personalized treatments for each type of dark circles. Fights aging, lack of sleep and stress. Wake up every day with a radiant look!

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