Tratamiento Facial

5 Warning Signs to Consider Before Choosing a Facial Treatment at an Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

In today’s era, where social media is flooded with information about aesthetic medicine clinics, treatments and products, making the right decision for your facial treatment has become a challenge. Unfortunately, in this sea of options, there are establishments that offer aesthetic medicine services without qualified medical personnel, and the results are usually disastrous. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully investigate where, how and who will carry out your treatments. In this article, we will identify five warning signs that you should be aware of before undergoing cosmetic treatment, and why these signs indicate that you should reconsider your choice.

They offer you non-absorbable fillers.

Facial fillers are one of the most sought-after treatments in aesthetic medicine, but unfortunately, some places continue to offer NON-absorbable fillers, such as biopolymers, which can cause facial deformities and numerous side effects. If you propose this type of fillers at the point where you are considering treatment, it is a clear red flag. You should stay away from that option.

Lack of follow-up after treatment

Post-treatment follow-up is of vital importance, as it allows you to evaluate the results, make touch-ups if necessary, and resolve any questions that arise during the recovery process. Sometimes, some doctors or non-medical personnel carry out treatments in different cities and do not return to follow up for a long time. This can be inconvenient, as if you experience complications or discomfort in recovery, there may not be anyone available to care for you. Good follow-up is essential.

Hide the origin of the products.

The products used in the treatment should be shown to the patient before application and should preferably be prepared on site. If you notice that products are hidden or do not provide you with detailed information about them, it is a sign that they may not be products authorized for use or that they may not be what you are purchasing. Transparency in this aspect is essential for your security.

They offer to fill the nasolabial fold without personalized evaluation

The nasolabial fold is a common problem in aesthetic medicine, but each patient is unique and requires an individualized approach. Advanced harmonization techniques have shown that it is necessary to first address the ligamentous structure before directly filling the sulcus. If you don’t set out to do this assessment and follow the old approach of filling out without considering the underlying structure, it’s a sign that the professional is out of date and therefore unreliable.

Lack of transparency in medical training

The professional’s educational training and authorization must be available for patients to see. This includes information such as your medical ID and details about training and updates. If they cannot find this information or refuse to show it, it could indicate that they do not have the necessary training to perform cosmetic medical procedures. Transparency in training is essential for your confidence.


Always look for places where the staff doing the treatment is properly trained. Your face is a treasured part of your identity, so trust experts for safe and satisfying results.
Always make sure you know the products you apply before undergoing treatment. Research and resolve your doubts to make informed decisions.
Don’t underestimate the importance of receiving a medical recommendation. Despite fashion trends, not all treatments are suitable for all people. A prior evaluation is essential to determine what is best for you.

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