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Discover the Secret of Voluminous Lips: Gradual Application of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has gained popularity in the world of aesthetic medicine, especially in the quest for full lips. However, the rush to get results can lead to over-applications and unexpected problems. Here we explain why gradual application is the key to perfect, natural lips.

Lips: More than Just Aesthetics

Lips are complex in their structure and come in various shapes and sizes, which means that each person has a unique and unrepeatable design. When opting for facial harmonization, it is essential to consider the natural anatomical structure of the lips. Social media trends may not be suitable for all patients, so realism is crucial.

The Importance of Graduality

It is often thought that applying more product will result in greater volume, but this is not always true. Lips must be treated with specific standards and protocols to suit the needs of each patient. In small lips, the increase in volume should be gradual. Applying up to 1 ml of hyaluronic acid and waiting a month before the second application allows the lip to adapt and stretch gradually, avoiding unwanted migrations.

Avoiding Migration: The Key to Success

Migration occurs when an excessive amount of product is applied, creating ridges outside the lip, giving the appearance of a duck’s mouth. To avoid this unwanted result, careful and gradual application is essential. Even on thick lips, the progressive application guarantees definition and natural results.

Tips for perfect lips

Gradual Application: No more than 1 ml per session.
Waiting time: One month between each session to allow the lips to adapt.
Aftercare: Follow the post-application instructions to maintain the appearance.
Professional Consultation: Seek guidance from qualified medical professionals.
Individualization: Avoid following trends; Personalization is key to optimal results.


In short, for irresistible and natural lips, patience is essential. Opt for gradual application of hyaluronic acid and follow expert advice to achieve results that suit your unique lip structure. Beauty lies in naturalness and gradualness is the way to perfect lips.

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