Efecto domino

“Domino Effect”: Facial Rejuvenation with Hyaluronic Acid for Radiant Skin

The “Domino Effect” trend in facial rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is transforming aesthetic medicine. Instead of volume, you are looking for improved luminosity and support that firms facial skin, returning it to its main structure with the minimum amount of products possible. The key is to apply small doses of products that generate a positive impact on the entire face.

Process and Duration: Each patient has unique needs, but all procedures focus on being non-surgical and minimally invasive, allowing the cells to work in the patient’s favor. The process consists of 1 or 2 sessions, adapted to individual needs, with effects that last between 12 and 18 months. It begins with a detailed medical history and a thorough examination at rest and movement to provide exclusive treatment.

Methodology: The methodology follows a progressive approach, treating from the upper to the lower areas of the face. Start in the top third, moving to the middle and then the bottom. It is essential to address the middle area of the face first and then the lateral areas. Hyaluronic acid is infiltrated throughout the process to restore lost volume, lift eyebrows, soften expression and provide a healthy appearance. The treatment ranges from raising the eyebrows to marking the mandibular arch, creating a lifting effect.

Areas Treated: The “Domino Effect” focuses on rejuvenating the look, treating the nasolabial fold and improving the mandibular contour. Its main objective is to reduce facial sagging, return the original contour of the skin and improve light angles.

Conclusion: This treatment nourishes at a cellular level, repositions tissues and provides a rested and fresh appearance. Discover the revolution in facial rejuvenation with the “Domino Effect”, where each session is a personalized experience that reveals natural beauty.

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