Ácido hialurónico

Risks and Complications Associated with Hyaluronic Acid: What You Should Know

Hyaluronic acid, despite being considered safe in most cases, is not free of possible complications. As with any medical procedure, it is crucial to be informed about the associated risks. Here, we present the most common complications related to its application:

Swelling and bruising: After injection, it is normal to experience temporary pain and sores, along with possible bruising in the treated area.
Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some people may experience allergic reactions manifested as redness, itching or even skin rashes. In severe cases, breathing difficulties or anaphylaxis may occur.
Nodules or Granulomas: Sometimes the body can react by forming nodules or granulomas, which are hard lumps or swellings in the injection area. These may require additional treatment, such as enzymes to dissolve the material or, in severe cases, surgical removal.
Infection: There is a risk of infection at the injection site, especially if proper sterilization practices or post-procedure instructions are not followed. Symptoms include redness, swelling, tenderness, warmth, and drainage in the area.
Temporary Worsening of Appearance: In some cases, the desired aesthetic result may not be achieved immediately, presenting irregularities such as asymmetry, excess or lack of volume that require additional adjustments.
Systemic complications: Although extremely rare, systemic complications such as vascular embolism or eye injuries have been reported when hyaluronic acid is inadvertently injected into blood vessels or travels to other areas of the body.

It is imperative that any hyaluronic acid procedure be performed by a trained medical professional and in appropriate facilities to minimize risks. Additionally, informing the doctor about pre-existing medical conditions or allergies is essential to further reduce the associated risks.

Conclusion: Beauty comes with responsibility. With expert care and proper precautions, the risks associated with hyaluronic acid can be minimized. Educating yourself and communicating openly with your doctor are essential steps to ensure a safe procedure and satisfactory results.

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