Tratamiento facial

Know the Crucial Guidelines: What You Should Avoid Before a Facial Treatment

Aesthetic medicine offers minimally invasive treatments, allowing patients to return to their daily lives quickly. However, before undergoing a facial treatment, it is essential to consider certain restrictions to ensure optimal and long-lasting results. Here are some things you should avoid:

Refrain from Alcohol and Certain Medications: Prevent bruising by avoiding the consumption of medications and supplements such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E and fish oil, days before and after treatment. Additionally, staying away from alcohol, including beer and wine, will reduce platelet production, minimizing the risk of bruising, especially with fillers.
Do Not Apply Makeup: For reasons of asepsis, avoid makeup after any infiltration into the skin. Compromised skin can be susceptible to infections, and makeup, harboring bacteria, could cause superinfection. Keep the skin surface clean for a smooth recovery.
Avoid Sun Exposure: One week before treatment, avoid exposure to direct sun and tanning beds. The skin may become tender or red, and sunburn should heal before seeking treatment. Use sunscreen daily, even on days without direct exposure.
Don’t Exfoliate: Avoid exfoliating two or three days before your facial treatment to avoid thinning the skin too much. Gentle care ensures that the skin is in ideal condition for the procedure.
Share Details with Your Doctor: You do not hide information about your medical history. Inform if it is your first time or any relevant details. Some treatments are contraindicated in certain medical conditions, and transparency guarantees the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Conclusion: Before, during and after aesthetic treatment, your well-being is paramount. Remember that your comfort and safety are crucial. At the Latina Beauty Clinic, we care about every detail to provide you with a satisfactory experience. Schedule your appointment and trust in expert hands.

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