Qué es la lipolisis láser

What is laser lipolysis and what is the difference with normal liposuction?

The fight against those persistent fat deposits that do not yield to diets and exercises is one that many of us know well. Those small details in our body, that although they seem minimal, can have a significant impact on our self-esteem. At Belleza Latina, we have researched and developed the most advanced solutions to these concerns, with a special focus on two star treatments: lipolaser and liposuction.

While both promise to help you achieve your desired figure, each has its own methodology and benefits. But what does each procedure really consist of? Which is the most suitable for you? What is the difference between liposuction and laser lipolysis? Throughout this article, we will describe the particularities, advantages and differences between these two revolutionary techniques. Thus, you will be able to make an informed decision and take one more step towards the body you have always dreamed of.

At Belleza Latina, we are committed to your well-being and confidence! Join us on this journey of transformation and discovery.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most requested aesthetic interventions in the world, and with good reason. Since its appearance in the field of aesthetic medicine, it has offered millions of people the opportunity to reshape areas of their body that do not respond to diet and exercise routines. Although it is commonly associated with the removal of fat from the abdomen, the versatility of liposuction makes it suitable for treating various areas, including thighs, arms, flanks and, as you mention, double chins.

The technique consists of making small incisions in the area to be treated, through which a thin cannula is inserted. This cannula is connected to a vacuum device that is responsible for sucking and extracting localized fat deposits. As the cannula moves under the skin, it breaks up fat cells, which are then vacuumed out of the body.

What is lipolaser or laser liposuction and how does it work?

The lipolaser represents a revolution in the field of aesthetic medicine. Unlike traditional liposuction, which simply vacuums out fat deposits, laser lipo goes a step further by incorporating laser technology. This technique, being minimally invasive, has become an increasingly popular option among those looking for an effective solution to excess fat without undergoing extensive surgery.

The operation of the lipolaser lies in its ability to emit energy in the form of laser light, which is absorbed by the fat cells. This energy heats and breaks down fat cells, turning them into a liquid substance that is then easily removed from the body, either naturally or aspirated during the procedure. The fine cannulas, which are inserted through small incisions, allow for pinpoint precision, ensuring that only the desired areas are treated.

Differences between lipolaser and traditional liposuction

Although both laser lipo and traditional liposuction are designed to reduce and remove unwanted fat deposits, the differences in their approaches and results are striking. Let’s take a closer look at how they differ:

Mechanism of action:

Traditional Liposuction: This technique uses a cannula that is inserted under the skin to physically vacuum out fat deposits. It is essentially a mechanical method of fat removal.

Lipolaser: Uses laser energy to “melt” fat, allowing for easier and more uniform removal. Laser technology also has the added benefit of being more selective, specifically targeting fat cells without affecting surrounding tissue.

tissue trauma:

Traditional Liposuction: By “ripping” fatty tissue through suction, it can cause more tissue trauma, leading to more swelling and a longer recovery time.

Lipolaser: By heating and dissolving fat, lipolaser causes less damage to surrounding tissue. This results in less swelling and bruising post-procedure.

Management of flaccidity:

Traditional Liposuction: The removal of fat can sometimes leave the skin looking slack, especially if the elasticity of the skin is not optimal.

Lipolaser: In addition to removing fat, the laser stimulates the production of collagen in the skin. This stimulation helps the skin to contract and firm up, significantly reducing the risk of sagging after treatment.

Recovery and post-procedure:

Traditional Liposuction: Given the increased tissue trauma, patients can expect a longer recovery period, with possible bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

Laser Lipolaser: Due to its minimally invasive nature and smoother mechanism of action, patients typically experience faster recovery. Also, the post-operative period comes with less complications and discomfort.When considering any cosmetic procedure, it is essential to be well informed and consult a specialist to determine the most appropriate option based on individual needs.

What treatment or surgery is best for a double chin?

The appearance of “double chin” is a common concern, and may be the result of genetic causes, weight gain, or natural aging. Although both lipolaser and liposuction techniques offer solutions, laser lipolysis appears to be the preferred option for this area due to its ability to simultaneously tighten the skin.

Post-treatment care – Avoid flaccidity

Regardless of the technique chosen, it is vital to follow the instructions of the specialist in plastic surgery. After lipolysis, the use of a chin guard and rehabilitation therapy with massages and appliances is recommended, while after liposuction, the indicated care should be followed, which could include the use of chin guards and other complementary treatments, such as a facelift or biostimulators.

What if I gain weight after the procedure?

It is crucial to understand that although the fat cells are removed, if there is excessive weight gain after the procedure, it is possible to regain the lost volume. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to enjoy long-term results.


Whether you choose lipolaser or liposuction, it is vital to inform yourself and trust certified specialists. At Belleza Latina, we offer you not only state-of-the-art treatments, but also a team dedicated to your well-being and beauty. Ready to take the next step? Contact us and discover how we can help you look like you always dreamed of!

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