
I had a Bichectomy, but my face still looks round

If you have opted to undergo a bichectomy to contour your face and have found yourself disappointed that your face still looks round, don’t worry, you are not the only person who has experienced this situation.

Many people have this procedure done on a daily basis, but not all of them are completely satisfied with the results, as they were expecting a much more significant change. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and offer you some alternative solutions to achieve the facial contouring you so desire. Say goodbye to your round face!

What is bichectomy and how does it work?

Bichectomy is a surgical procedure (surgery) designed to contour the face. It consists of the removal of the Bichat’s pouch, an accumulation of fat that is located internally in our cheeks. By eliminating this fat, the aim is to highlight the features and achieve a slimmer and more refined face. Although bichectomy is a common cosmetic procedure, not all patients obtain the desired results.

Facial anatomy and its influence on contouring

To understand why your face still looks round after a bichectomy, it is important to know the facial anatomy.

In addition to the Bichat bags, there are other fat structures in our face. Above the muscles of mastication is superficial fat, which is part of the superficial fat pads. If only the bichectomy is performed and this superficial fat is not removed, it is normal for the face to still maintain its round appearance.

The importance of full facial contouring after bichectomy

When bichectomy alone does not achieve the desired result, it is recommended that a full facial contouring be considered. This involves the removal of the bursa de Bichat, as well as the removal of fat in the cheek and jowl area by liposuction. Preferably, laser technology is used to prevent sagging. By performing this comprehensive procedure, greater definition and slimming of the face is achieved.

Maintenance and care after bichectomy

It is essential to remember that bichectomy is a permanent, once-in-a-lifetime procedure. However, if weight is gained after the procedure, superficial fat is likely to accumulate again, which could lead to loss of facial contouring. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain a good diet, healthy habits and avoid being overweight after these treatments.

Other factors that influence facial contouring and bichectomy

In addition to facial fat, there are other elements that can affect facial contouring. The masseter muscles, for example, can become hypertrophied in people who suffer from bruxism (constant clenching of the teeth). This results in an increase in the size of the muscles and a squarer facial appearance. In these cases, a few units of Botox can be used to contour the jaw angle for a more streamlined appearance.

Additional Considerations: Bone Structure and Hyaluronic Acid

Bone structure also plays an important role in facial contouring. Some people have a small chin or a short jaw angle, which can affect the final result even after a bichectomy or other contouring treatments. In these cases, hyaluronic acid can be used to achieve greater facial harmony by improving these specific points.

How to care for or maintain my bichectomy?

Bichectomy is a plastic surgery that can provide significant changes in facial appearance by reducing fat in the cheeks. After undergoing a bichectomy, it is important to follow certain care and habits to maintain the results obtained. Here are some recommendations on how to care for and maintain your bichectomy:

1. Follow medical instructions.

It is essential to follow all the instructions and recommendations provided by your plastic surgeon or medical specialist. These instructions may include specific guidelines for post-surgical care, such as the use of medications, proper cleansing of the treated area, and length of recovery.

2. Avoid strenuous physical activity

During the recovery period, it is important to avoid strenuous physical activity or any excessive exertion that may put stress on the treated area. Strenuous exercise can increase inflammation and delay healing.

3. Apply hot and cold compresses

Cold compresses can be helpful in reducing swelling during the first few days after surgery. You can gently apply a cold compress over the treated area for short periods of time, following your doctor’s instructions. After a few days, when the swelling subsides, you can alternate with warm compresses to help relax the muscles and improve blood circulation.

4. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications after bichectomy. It is recommended to refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption during the recovery period.

5. Protect your skin from the sun

Excessive sun exposure can negatively affect the appearance of scars and cause hyperpigmentation. During the first few months after bichectomy, it is essential to protect your skin from the sun by using broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoiding direct sun exposure during peak sunlight hours.

6. Maintain a healthy diet

A balanced and healthy diet is essential to maintain the results of the bichectomy in the long term. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats can help maintain a stable weight and prevent fat accumulation on the face.

7. Schedule regular check-ups

It is important to attend scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon or medical specialist. These check-ups allow you to evaluate the progress of your recovery and address any concerns or questions you may have. Your doctor will be able to offer personalized recommendations on how to maintain and enhance the results of your bichectomy.

Remember that each person is unique, and the results of a bichectomy can vary and take time. By following these tips and maintaining open communication with your doctor, you will be able to maximize the benefits of your bichectomy and maintain a slender, harmonious face over the long term.

Conclusions and recommendations

Achieving optimal facial contouring involves a combination of treatments tailored to your goals and facial features. Before making any decision, it is crucial to make a prior assessment with a medical professional to receive the best personalized recommendation. Remember that bichectomy is only one of the available procedures, and in some cases, it may need to be complemented with other treatments to achieve the desired results.

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