Did you know these surgeries for facial contouring?

And no, I’m not talking about the typical invasive face contouring surgeries 🙅♀️.

That’s not what I’m going to tell you about.

Today I’m here to tell you about procedures that are completely respectful of your face and quick to recover from.

The best part?

They are available at our clinic 😍

So, as we always recommend you, inform yourself very well before making the decision and take note of everything we will tell you in this article.

What is a facial profiling?


It is a series of procedures to show off a defined jaw angle.

Thanks to this, you will be able to give more projection and harmonization to your face, highlighting your most beautiful features.

For that reason, it is very important to know what these procedures are and how they work in order to know exactly which one suits you best.

📝 However, you can always make an assessment appointment with us to guide you.

How to contour the face?


For facial contouring we have two options, one with surgical procedures and the other without.

It is important to highlight that both procedures are minimally invasive in our clinic.

However, this time we will only talk about surgical procedures.

Thanks to them you will obtain a natural and harmonious facial contouring ✅.



How many surgeries are there for facial contouring?


First of all, we have to tell you that there are two types of fat on the face:

👉 The first is superficial and the second is deep.

And, for you to better understand what I’m talking about, I leave you the following images:


 Deep fat: Bichat adipose pouch  


 Superficial fat: Areas we treat with liposuction of the jowls or cheeks.


It is important for you to know this, as this way you will have a notion about where each of the procedures act and what are their results.

Now, back to the main question: how many surgeries are there for facial contouring?

Today, there are more than 10 surgeries to achieve this. However, many of them are not minimally invasive. For that reason, we will tell you about 6 in specific, which are more friendly to your body and will give you a more natural result.

These are



1.  Bichectomy


It is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed with the objective of refining the face.

For this purpose, the bichat bags are extracted, which are a structure that is part of the deep facial fat pads.

👉 Consequently, the final result will be facial slimming, accentuation of the cheekbones and more defined contour of the middle third of the face.

It is a once in a lifetime procedure, as this fat doesn’t have the same metabolic turnover as facial fat in other areas. That is, it never reappears.

However, if you have a lot of fat in the cheeks it is suggested to accompany the procedure with a liposuction of the area for a better result ✅.



2.  Conventional chin liposuction


This is the elimination of localized fat at the level of the double chin.

With this treatment we manage to rejuvenate and eliminate the fat that forms in the neck area simulating a double chin, which means that this area ranges from the mandibular angles to the chin.

👉 In addition, thanks to this you will be able to define the jaw angle from its lower part.

To carry it out, it is performed under local anesthesia, making a small incision under the chin. Therefore, if we want more definition of the mandibular angle, it is necessary to perform liposuction of the cheeks.

It is also indicated for patients with small fat deposits and little flaccidity. This means that if there is already flaccidity in the area, it is likely to be more flaccid after the intervention 👎.

For that reason, if you have little fat, we recommend you not to apply to this procedure.


3.  Laser chin liposuction


It consists in the implementation of a chin liposuction, but with soft laser technology. This is a diode laser that allows to dilute a greater amount of fat that already exists.

In addition, it tightens the skin after the extraction.

👉  Consequently, you will be able to remove a greater amount of fat and avoid flaccidity after the intervention.

Laser liposuction is ideal for patients who have very significant fat deposits, a lot of flaccidity or who have already undergone a previous chin liposuction and have sequelae of fibrosis.

As with the conventional process, a single incision is made through which we work on the jowl area and mandibular profiling from the lower part.

Finally, if you want more definition of the mandibular angle it is necessary to perform a cheek liposuction.


4.  Laser cheek liposuction


It consists in the elimination of localized fat in the cheek area with soft laser technology.

A diode laser is used to dilute a greater amount of fat and tighten the skin after the extraction.

With this procedure, in addition to removing a greater amount of fat, you avoid flaccidity after the intervention.

👉 It is ideal for patients who have a significant accumulation of fat or who seek to define their mandibular angle.

It is suggested to perform it with chin liposuction or bichectomy to potentiate the results.

To carry out this treatment, we recommend to perform it in a conventional way. That is, without the help of the laser, since it is a more delicate area you may have complications when performing it without the technology.

In this procedure, two small incisions are made under the eye lobes and local anesthesia is used throughout the area to be treated.


5.  Endolifting


This treatment is indicated for people who have facial flaccidity and its objective is oriented more towards rejuvenation. Therefore, it is the most similar treatment (in results) to a surgical facelift.

It should be noted that the only difference is that this is minimally invasive and doesn’t leave any scars.

👉 To perform it, soft laser technology is used with a cold diode laser that helps us to generate retraction in the skin.

It works the area of the cheeks and neck generating a complete lifting effect and, in addition, it is performed in people who have a small accumulation of fat. Therefore, we will not perform liposuction in the working area.

In case you have a lot of localized fat, you can opt for a full facial contouring ✅.



6.  Facial profiling


With this treatment you will be able to eliminate localized fat from the cheeks and double chin at the same time.

For this, a total of 3 incisions are made: 2 under the earlobe and 1 under the chin.

👉 Consequently, localized fat will be removed and skin retraction will be achieved, obtaining a much more complete and visible result.

It can be performed on patients of any age who wish to contour their face.

Additionally, you can add a bichectomy to achieve a complete contouring ✅.

It is important to highlight, that facial profiling is the top of the treatments, since you are going to be able to work the whole face, both superficial and deep fat in the same session. Therefore, it is the best alternative, especially if you have never had a bichectomy.



What to expect from our face contouring surgeries?


Thanks to our minimally invasive surgeries, you will enjoy your results in a short time, since recovery is very fast.

Also, all these treatments include:

  • 1 girdle.
  • 1 complimentary massage.
  • Pre and post treatment medications.
  • Necessary check-ups.
  • Lymphatic drainage massages (10 sessions after the procedure).


If you comply with all our indications you will be able to show off a beautiful face with the natural features that define you, but more harmonious.

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