Spiculated threads: the complete guide

Spiculated threads have become a trend in anti-aging treatments.

And, unlike others, there is not much knowledge about them. The only thing that is known is that they reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, but do you know how they work?

If you don’t, don’t worry. We have the information you need to know about this treatment.

But, if you have the answer to this question, you can skip this post (although we recommend you don’t).

Maybe you’ll learn something new 😉.


What are spiculated threads?


It is a non-invasive procedure characterized by being fast and effective.

These tensor threads are composed of polydioxanone (PDO) and polycaprolactone (PCL), which are biocompatible and reabsorbable. This means that it doesn’t cause allergies and fulfills its purpose: to tighten the skin to improve the appearance of the face.

Local anesthesia is used to perform the process and, at the end, it is not necessary for the patient to be under observation.

For that reason, it is a highly requested treatment, since you will be able to return to your normal life and perform your usual activities (depending on what they are).

👉 However, it should be noted that you must follow the professional’s instructions to the letter.



Myths of spiculated threads


As you could see in the paragraphs above, spiculated threads are safe. However, some myths have arisen in relation to them.

Therefore, today we are going to debunk them and give you an explanation about each one 🙌.


Myth 1: The spiculated thread provides volume in certain parts of the skin.


No, the thread itself doesn’t provide volume.

To obtain it, it must be combined with other treatments such as hyaluronic acid that does provide the desired volume.

The thread only activates the collagen your skin needs. It also has a tightening effect that helps your skin look youthful and fresh.

Therefore, if you are looking for volume, we recommend hyaluronic acid fillers.


Myth 2: 3 threads will be enough to see changes


The number of threads needed will depend on each patient.

For that reason, every time we start a treatment, we first perform a medical evaluation where we will examine your needs and those of your skin.

So, for a treatment to be effective, you must follow the indications of the doctor who will apply it.


Myth 3: The treatment will last for more than 3 years.


No. The reality is that duration and results vary.

One of these factors is the thread quality. Therefore, the average duration time is between 12 and 18 months.


Myth 4: Threads can move inside the skin.


False. The threads will not move inside your skin after they are placed. The only thing they will do is adjust to your face.

Once they are placed into your skin, after a month, they begin to integrate into your skin to generate the desired collagen.



Spiculated threads: benefits


The effect of the spiculated threads has to do with a gentle lifting and when we refer to “gentle” it is because the skin will not get the same drastic changes as a traditional lifting.

However, the results of the spiculated threads, although slight, are natural and almost instantaneous.

Therefore, these are their main benefits:

  • Immediate lifting.
  • Collagen regenerating action. As the product is reabsorbed, it stimulates collagen formation. In fact, even if the collagen has been reabsorbed, the effect continues.





Just as there are many myths surrounding spiculated threads, doubts also arise.

Consequently, these are the most frequently asked questions we have in the medical practice:


How many threads can be applied in one session?


There are no limits.

The general average is usually 4 threads in one session, which is equivalent to two on each side of the face. However, it is the doctor who will decide the amount, being the main areas of application: middle third (cheekbone) and jaw.


Does it hurt?


The application of spiculated threads doesn’t hurt at all, since it is performed under local anesthesia.


How long does recovery take?


⚡ The recovery of these threads is immediate.

It is important to mention that on the first day a slight swelling may be noticed. However, it is only perceptible by the patient.

Also, you can see the dots where the needle has entered and emerged.

Another thing to note is that bruises usually don’t appear. Although, if they do appear, it is not dangerous at all and would not affect the result.



Spiculated threads: care


Although there is no risk, it is important to take certain general precautions along with those indicated by the professional.

These are:

  •       Don’t touch your skin strongly, or massage it with tension.
  •       Don’t be in heat sources such as saunas.
  •       Don’t practice high-impact sports (jumping) or risky sports to avoid falls.


If you follow these indications exactly, together with those of the professional, you will be able to see the results of the treatment in a matter of days.

And, thanks to the fact that it is non-invasive, you will be able to glow naturally, without the threads themselves being noticeable.

Therefore, you will be yourself, but in your best version 💫.


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