3 rejuvenation treatments you can’t miss

Nowadays there are many rejuvenation treatments.

However, we believe that there are 3 specific ones that can’t be missed if we want to obtain the desired results.

As we have already discussed in our blog, aging is a natural process which we should not demonize. Therefore, these treatments only seek a way to delay it without eliminating our natural look.

So, today I want to tell you about the 3 best facial rejuvenation treatments (without surgery) to give your face a new glow 💆.


What are the best facial rejuvenation treatments?


We don’t believe there is one treatment better than another. In fact, together they are a powerful combination to achieve the results you’ve longed for.

These treatments can be found in facial rejuvenation or aesthetic clinics like ours. In addition, we are going to give you a brief summary of each one.



  1. Botox (botulinum toxin)


This is one of the most requested treatments and the reason behind it is the results you will obtain 3 days after the application.

We must admit that the changes are noticeable almost instantly. That is the reason why we love to apply this procedure 😍.

One of the biggest changes you will notice are the expression lines that after time will diminish.

👉 This procedure consists of strategically relaxing some facial muscles to prevent the formation of deep wrinkles, which give away our age. For that reason, it remains the star treatment in terms of facial rejuvenation.

The application of Botox is performed twice a year and previously this treatment was only used for older people, correcting the signs of aging.

Nowadays the focus is on prevention. Thanks to that, it can be applied without any problem from the age of 30.

The most common areas of application are: the forehead, between the eyebrows and the periocular area (crow’s feet).



  1. PDO threads


These threads are composed of polydioxanone, hence the name.

👉 Their main function is to create collagen and elastin once they are in the skin. For that reason, at the moment of placing them immediately generates a lifting effect that after several days will be even more noticeable.

In order to see the final results of the treatment with PDO threads you must wait at least 1 month.

These results last approximately 1 year and, in addition to the face, can be applied in any part of the body where we notice some flaccidity.



  1. Smart Peeling


As its name suggests, it treats our skin in a smart way.

Thanks to its high technology, the Smart Peeling helps us not to hurt the skin more than necessary, giving us just what we need.

👉 With this treatment you can treat fine lines, blemishes, sagging and acne scars and even dry up any active breakouts.

It can also be used on patients who are on isotretinoin medications without causing any harm. In fact, the Smart Peel will help us to reinforce this acne treatment.

In order to maintain the results, it is necessary to comply with certain care at home.

Likewise, it is important to highlight the power of this treatment, since the results can be seen from the first session and to maintain them for a full year, we recommend at least 3 sessions in mild cases and 6-8 sessions in acute cases.



Which of these facial rejuvenation treatments works for me?


To find out which one is best for you, you should come in for a an assessment appointment 📝.

It is important that our facial rejuvenation specialists take all your facial data in order to indicate the appropriate treatment.

However, we also offer a wonderful package that combines all 3 procedures for best results. This package is called Eternalskin and has everything you need to rejuvenate your skin naturally.

We also recommend you to stay tuned to all our publications so you don’t miss out on all the content we create for you 🙌

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