Have you ever heard of the divine proportion?

Beauty is subjective, that’s a fact. However, over the years the concept of divine proportion has emerged.

Although this concept is not so new, today it has been adapted to aesthetic medicine and to different races in order not to exclude any person.

That is why in this article we are going to tell you what is the divine proportion and what is its relationship with aesthetic medicine.


What is the divine proportion?


Also known as the golden ratio, golden number and god’s number, the divine ratio is the sum of two consecutive numbers that always result in the next number. Likewise, the ratio between each pair of numbers approaches PHI:


 To help you see it better we attach the following image:

The golden ratio is fulfilled when the ratio from the navel to the feet (a) is greater than the distance from the navel to the head (b).



But what is the divine proportion of the face?


This divine proportion exists in at least 7 distances between the components of the face. These are:

  •     The length and width of the head
  •     The distance from the top of the head to the pupils and the distance from the hairline to the pupils.
  •     The distance from the tip of the nose to the chin and the distance from the lips to the chin.
  •     Between the distance from the hairline to the pupils and the distance from the pupils to the tip of the nose.
  •     Between the width of the nose and the distance from the nose to the lips.
  •     Between the distance from the pupils to the tip of the nose and the distance from the pupils to the lips.
  • Between the length of the lips and the width of the nose.

This image shows these measures:



However, it is important to note that these measures may vary depending on the traits of the individuals.

Mask that detects your golden ratio

 Researcher Stephen Marquardt created a beauty mask based on the golden section called the “Marquardt mask”.

The mask is unisex and is superimposed on the patient’s face to detect differences with the structure proposed by Marquardt.



However, these proportions are square. Therefore, it looks good on some faces and not so good on others. In fact, it makes some women look very masculine.


What is the relationship of the divine proportion with aesthetic medicine?


Although research is still ongoing, we have been able to improve these theories to adapt them to the various races and to the needs of each patient.

Therefore, rather than focusing on the accuracy of this number, we focus on identifying the different points of the face to define the sites of light such as the proportions of the nose, lips and chin.

Thanks to these points, it is possible to diagnose the areas of the face that need to be volumized without running the risk of falling into body dysmorphia.

Our Glow Up package specifically takes care of that, removing the tired look, correcting very noticeable asymmetries and increasing the patient’s beauty to a natural look.

 📝Discover your divine proportion by making an appointment with us.

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