Smart Fat: how to lose weight in a short time

What I will tell you below might have sounded completely crazy many years ago, but now we know that science has advanced and we can’ t deny these solutions.

And I know, you’re probably asking yourself: why would a term with the word fat in it help me lose weight?

But the truth is that it does. This macronutrient influences many more processes than you might think and today it can be a great ally in weight loss.

So if you want to know how to use smart fat to your advantage and lose weight in a short time, read on.


🧐 A surprising discovery about Smart Fat


We knew very little about fat until a couple of years ago when new lines of research began to open up. Thanks to that, it was discovered the great amount of reactions that were generated in it.

In previous times, it was thought that the only role of this macronutrient was to be an energy reserve, thermal insulator and organ protection.

Today it has been discovered that it is useful for a lot of processes and among these is included its relationship with the endocrine system, being able to secrete hormones that have a very important implication in overweight.

Among these implications we have that at brain level it produces a sensation of hunger or satiety. This means that the greater the amount of fat, the greater the sensation of hunger the patient will have.


🤔 But how would this process help me with weight loss?


The truth is simpler than it seems.

Understanding this natural process will help us understand if we have the right amount of fat.

In fact, when we exceed the limit our body will start showing us signs and symptoms that we should notice as soon as possible to treat them in time and make the smartest decisions.

These are some of them:

  •       Acne miliaria
  •       Acanthosis nigricans
  •       Stretch marks
  •       Increased volume of the breasts
  •       Hump

Of course, having these symptoms doesn’t always mean that we exceeded our fat level, but keep in mind that exceeding this level will show you some of these symptoms for sure.

And if we add that your feeling of hunger is almost constant, then we must take for granted that something is going on with your endocrine system.


✅ So what does the term “smart fat” refer to?


It refers to how fat is able to influence such an important system as the endocrine system.

Therefore, this information is vital to know how to make the smartest decisions that positively influence our health.

By knowing our body and understanding its process, we will automatically be guided to establish a plan that will help us achieve our goals.

Consequently, if we correct the root of the problem, which is our hormonal system, we will be able to lose weight much faster, since we will not have the unwanted binges that make us feel guilty.


✅ I know I have extra fat, but how can I change it?


  1. Perform tests. First of all, you should request a complete lab study where you will be fully indicated the best treatment for your body.
  2. Consult with a specialist. Belleza Latina’s professional doctors are trained to provide the best solutions for your health. We are completely convinced that by breaking the hormonal blockage you will be able to lose weight much faster. We assure you that it will be easier than you thought.
  3. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Know your body, take care of it and give it the attention it deserves. Notice its changes and take action.

Finally, we recommend you to write down your goal, because when we put something in writing our mind looks for all the possibilities to achieve it, starting to take the necessary action.

So make a realistic plan, get your treatment and comply with your doctor’s instructions.

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