4 powerful techniques for a facelift

What is a facelift? How much does a facelift cost? Who performs it?

These are the most common questions in our community.

Like everything else, the term has evolved over time. In earlier times it was a goal that could only be achieved with surgery. Nowadays and with the wave of non-invasive methods, new techniques have been created with similar results and with a much faster recovery.

These are some of them (estimated cost is included).


1.  Tensor Threads


This is definitely one of the techniques that has evolved the most, previously the famous Russian threads were used, which were placed with techniques almost as invasive as the surgical facelift.

Today, thanks to science and technology, we have different non-invasive mechanisms to place these threads, allowing the process to be very tolerable and with an immediate recovery.

Advantage. Placement is minimally invasive, fast and affordable.

Disadvantage. Its duration is short and not all patients are candidates for this process. For example, a person who has a lot of facial fat must first remove it for the tightening result to be good, so it is necessary to evaluate in detail if the procedure is feasible.

Cost. It will depend on the type of threads and the amount, usually the prices range from $3,000 to $10,000 Mexican pesos.


✅ 2.  Hyaluronic Acid


The new trend in facial rejuvenation by excellence.

It is also known as “the domino effect” and it is a technique that consists of returning the face to its natural anatomy, giving it a support and rejuvenation effect. With this technique we achieve a facial lifting by applying hyaluronic acid in strategic points such as the temporal fossa, cheekbones and jaw angle.

One of the amazing things about filling with hyaluronic acid is that by improving one area, we improve another area secondarily. For example, if hyaluronic acid is applied in the temporal fossa, we will achieve a secondary lifting of the cheekbone and eyebrow lifting.

Advantage. Very body-friendly. In addition, the result is spectacular and practically painless.

Disadvantage. It is very expensive, since it requires several syringes of product to work on the entire face. Also, it lasts for 1 year.

Cost. It will depend on the brand used and the number of syringes. Generally, the cost per syringe ranges from $3,000 to $8,000 Mexican pesos.


✅ 3.  Bioestimulators


These are substances that help improve the skin quality by increasing the production of collagen and elastin at facial level.

This results in a moisturizing effect of the skin and a lifting effect, giving a more youthful appearance.

This type of procedure is the ideal complement to any process, as it helps to enhance results and has a more lasting and noticeable effect than other interventions.

Advantage. It is a minimally invasive process with excellent results.

Disadvantage. They can be expensive.

Cost. It will depend on the brand used and the number of syringes. Usually the cost per syringe ranges between $300 and 600 USD.


✅ 4.  Endolifting


It is a new trend in facial rejuvenation. To carry it out, specialized lasers are used to generate skin retraction and localized fat removal at the same time.

These processes are considered minimally invasive, because only small incisions are made through the skin. They don’t involve cuts, nor long recoveries.

Care is minimal compared to conventional surgery and the results are similar.

Advantage. It leaves no scars and is much less expensive than surgery.

Disadvantage. Not all skin types have good retraction, especially white and aged skin, which implies a slower process. In addition, it is not indicated for all types of flaccidity. Therefore, if you suffer from extreme flaccidity and decide to undergo a procedure of this type, you will have to complement it with other treatments.

Cost. It will depend on the technology used and the areas to be treated. It usually ranges from $500 to $2,000 USD


✅ What is the best facelift technique for me?


To know exactly which facelift technique suits you best, we recommend you to make an appointment with our aesthetic doctors who will provide you with all the information.

But not only that.

Our professionals will provide you with advice, by previously evaluating your needs to guarantee you the best results.

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