5 important facts about bichectomy that you probably didn’t know

If you have never come across this term, you are probably wondering what a bichectomy is and how it relates to aesthetics.

For that reason, we are going to tell you 5 very important facts about bichectomy and what is the procedure to perform it.


✅ Facts about bichectomy


👉 Bichectomy it’s nothing new


Though it may seem strange, this procedure is not entirely new. However, it has become very popular in recent years, having a crucial impact on facial harmonization.

There are many (if not all) aesthetic clinics that include this procedure in their services. But what is bichectomy?

In simple words, it is a treatment that consists of eliminating the Bichat bag (fat located in the deep tissues of the face), by applying anesthesia and making a small incision to remove it.

Additionally, it is a procedure that you should only perform once in your life, since this fat doesn’t have a metabolic rate like any other fat.


👉 It is a necessary fat in childhood


The Bichat’s bag is important in children, because it is a primitive structure that allows us to feed at a time when the facial musculature is not strong enough.

Thanks to it, we can make a basic movements such as sucking breast milk.

Therefore, the younger we are, the larger the size of our pouch will be. Which is why we will now mention the third fact.


👉 Not recommended after age 35


As time passes, our organism will need less of this fat, since the muscles of mastication will be very well developed.

For this reason, applying a bichectomy at this age will not have a great impact on the final result, because the size when it is removed will be extremely small.

In this case, it is best to opt for facial restructuring and anti-aging procedures such as threads, hyaluronic acid fillers, among others.

You must take into account that not all faces are suitable for a bichectomy. Therefore, this process must be performed by trained medical personnel who analyze your needs and your face type to determine if this treatment would really achieve the harmony you desire.


👉 It is extracted through the oral cavity


At facial level there are 2 types of fat tissue: superficial and deep. By understanding this, we know that a person who wants to have a complete facial contouring should treat both tissues and not only perform the bichectomy if you want to see a comprehensive result.

Superficial fat can be handled with techniques such lipoenzymes.

On the other hand, the bichectomy takes the deep tissue, so the fat is extracted through the oral cavity, previously applying anesthesia.


👉 It facilitates other skin procedures


It is often said that bichectomy will cause your face to sag or age prematurely, which is completely false.

Bichat’s bag is not related to facial support, but to the extra strength needed for chewing when we are children. In fact, one of the fundamentals of facial rejuvenation is to remove the weight (fat) from the face so that subsequent procedures can be performed to tighten the skin.


✅ What are our recomendations about bichectomy?


Aging is a multifactorial process, which means that multiple factors are involved and, although they cannot be avoided, they can be reduced and prevented.

Having good habits and taking care of our skin from an early age is vital to maintain the harmony of our face for a longer period of time.

On the other hand, if you are thinking about performing a bichectomy, we recommend you to visit a professional to analyze your face and tell you if it is necessary or not.

Our specialists at Belleza Latina have a lot of experience in the field, so we guarantee you complete safety. In fact, to validate our word, you can see the testimonials of our clients on our homepage.

Also, we leave you the section of the bichectomy procedure along with the before and after pictures.

We look forward to seeing you soon 💙

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