
Available in Cancun and Guadalajara


Today it can be difficult to find the best procedure for buttock augmentation. Conventional fat transfers are often very invasive and more and more safe alternatives are being created to meet your goal.

That is why we have created the most complete package for buttock lift in Mexico, totally safe and with few sessions.


☑️ What is the BootyUp+ buttock lift package all about?


The BootyUp + buttock lift package combines 3 techniques focused on lifting, augmentation and shaping of the buttocks with immediate, natural and safe results. For this procedure is required a blood biometry study, where we can assess your blood levels and determine that the process doesn’t carry any risk.

In this study the most important parameter is hemoglobin, since for the procedure we will take 450 milliliters of blood that after a centrifugation and gelation process will become 300 grams of plasma 💉 which will have a consistency similar to body fat.

With your blood levels in order, we proceed to perform the procedure in 3 phases


☑️ Phase 1. Bio-stimulating tensor threads.


In this phase we will place smooth threads in strategic points of the buttocks in order to create an internal network of collagen, which will later generate a tightening effect helping the shaping and lifting of the buttocks, as well as improving the quality of the skin in the area.

This type of threads are made of absorbable suture material (polydioxanone) that once applied will provoke an inflammatory response in the body, promoting the production of fibroblasts that will later release collagen type 1 and type 3.


When does the buttock lift start to be seen?


The action of the threads begins from the moment of application and will continue for a period of 3 months where we will be able to observe the final results. After one year, the thread will be completely reabsorbed by the body, leaving behind the collagen formed.

The application of this type of threads is performed by means of fine needles that will be introduced in the desired area without leaving any mark or scar.


☑️ Phase 2. Electrostimulation


Electrostimulation works by means of stimuli that are directed directly to the muscles causing a contraction of the same similar to that performed during physical activity.

A 30-minute session is equivalent to 300 squats, so with this procedure we contribute to the toning and increase of muscle mass.


☑️ Phase 3. Plasma Gel


450 milliliters of blood (similar to the amount used in a blood donation) will be extracted and then subjected to a centrifugation process where the blood components will be separated from the platelet-rich plasma.

Then the plasma in its liquid state will be exposed to temperature changes that will allow it to release its proteins, turning into a solid substance known as plasma gel, which has an appearance similar to fat.

How long does the gel plasma last?


This treatment is applied to strategic areas of the buttocks, allowing for a natural increase and shaping with immediate results. The duration in the body is 6 to 8 months, and with each application, the body retains an average of 20% of the volume. With multiple applications, a more lasting result can be achieved.

For this phase, injectable anesthesia will be applied to minimize discomfort. After the application it is likely that bruises will appear in the treated area that will disappear after a few days.

It is important to note that the quality of the plasma, as well as its duration in the body, will depend on your previous habits and aftercare.

Therefore, for a better result, the patient should eat a balanced diet and avoid the consumption of toxic substances such as drugs, tobacco and alcohol.


Important note: the plasma is an autologous filler (comes from your own body) so there is no risk of rejection and side effects. No external components are added, making the procedure safe.

What are the benefits of the BootyUp+ buttock lift?


BootyUp+ is the best procedure for buttock augmentation in Mexico. But not only that, you will also get other benefits such as:

  • Buttock augmentation and lift in just one session.
  • Improves the quality of the skin attenuating stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Detoxifying effect of the body thanks to blood extraction.
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Firmer and more attractive buttocks.

What are the conditions for the procedure?


Before mentioning which are the requirements you must meet for the procedure, you should know that it can be performed on any buttock, as long as an augmentation, lifting and toning is sought.

  • These conditions are the following:
  • Weigh more than 50 kg.
  • Not to be pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Be under 65 years old.
  • Be in good health.
  • Not having undergone a recent infectious process or vaccinations.
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not to be in diets with food restrictions such as ketogenic diets at least 2 weeks before.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, excessive alcohol, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Optimal hemoglobin and platelet levels determined by blood biometry.
  • No uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.

From: $310 USD

Mayra Lopezchente (Before)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara


Mayra Lopezchente (After)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara

Balanced diet and abundant fluid intake one week prior to the procedure. I should have slept more than 6 hours.
No, you must have eaten food at least 2 hours before in adequate amounts, avoiding saturated fats and dairy products.
Wear thong underwear and a dress or hanging garment.
You must wait at least 2 weeks after any type of vaccination.
If the bleeding is not heavy, the procedure can be performed without any problem.
No, because the blood draw will cause a drop in blood pressure and therefore it would not be safe.
After 3 days you can resume strenuous activities such as exercise.
You should wait a minimum of 3 months and it will depend on the blood biometry that you will have to perform again. A maximum of 3 applications can be performed in a year.
Apart from some slight discomfort during the application, the procedure is painless since injectable and topical anesthesia is used.
You must report the medication you are taking and the professionals will determine if it should be suspended.
No, because the material of which they are made is resistant and is designed for high impact areas such as the buttocks, so you can exercise and sit normally.
No, because although most implants are placed under the muscle, there is a possibility of rupture of the implants, so it would not be safe.
No, you may only experience some fatigue and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) after the blood extraction and for up to 3 days. Proper preparation for the procedure will mitigate these symptoms.
It is not mandatory, but if you wish to use it you can do so and it will help you to better shape your buttocks. You must wait at least 24 hours after the procedure to use it.
Yes, you must take multivitamins containing iron for a month, anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days for possible discomfort and inflammation and optionally arnica tablets to reduce the appearance of bruising and hydrolyzed collagen that will increase the biostimulation by the threads.
During the first 8 hours after the procedure, you will not be able to sit, you will have to remain standing or in a completely horizontal position.
Approximately 2 to 3 hours.
You must avoid the consumption of any toxic substance at least 3 days prior to the procedure.
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