
Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida


Although it may not seem like it, cosmetic surgeries have been around for many years. In fact, the first rhinoplasty was performed in 1887, but we are not here to tell you the history behind the nose design, but rather its present.

Nowadays there is the possibility of modifying the shape of the nose completely without surgery, giving it a better profile that will make you feel better about your physical appearance.

This possibility exists thanks to hyaluronic acid, a filler substance which is 100% compatible with the body, since it is generated naturally.

In Belleza Latina we present you our service of rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid by the hand of the best professionals.


☑️ What is rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid?


As we mentioned above, hyaluronic acid is a substance that is 100% compatible with the body, making it very safe for application.

To place it in the nose, strategic points are used, which will help us to correct the defects of the nasal bridge, reshape it and, consequently, lift it.

It is important to mention that this type of technique doesn’t serve to slim the nose, so if, in addition to lifting it, you want to make it thinner, in that case we do recommend surgery.

But if, on the contrary, you just want to lift it or correct depressions in the nasal bridge, hyaluronic acid will be your best option.


☑️ When can I see the results of rhinomodeling?


The results are immediate and have a duration in the body of 8 to 12 months. It is important that in order for the results to last for this time the patient maintains good care and follows the indications after the procedure.

Once that period elapses, the substance will be completely reabsorbed, making the procedure safe and without long-term consequences.

☑️ How many sessions are needed for rhinomodeling?


It is an extremely safe process by applying it properly and it can be performed as many times as the patient wishes without having long-term adverse effects.

If at a given moment it is decided to resort to surgery, it can be done without any problem after the patient has recovered completely. In fact, if the patient has had rhinoplasty for some time and is not comfortable with the results, the nose can be further detailed with this technique.

However, this is possible only if the patient has had only one operation. If he or she has had more than one, at least one year must have elapsed.


☑️ What are the consequences of rhinomodeling?


The most frequent adverse effect is obstruction of blood circulation due to poor application techniques. These conditions are 100% reversible and treatable.

We strongly recommend that this process is always performed by certified medical personnel to avoid any type of complication.

What are the benefits of rhinomodeling?


  • Lifting of the nasal tip.
  • Correction of nasal bridge defects.
  • Thinner tip.
  • More harmonious appearance of the face.
  • Slight elevation of the upper lip.
  • Attenuation of septum deviation or deformities of the nose generated by blows.

Who are the candidates to undergo the process?


  • No more than one previous surgery.
  • No history of cleft lip and palate.
  • No very severe septum deviations.
  • Over 16 years of age.
  • No extremely thick noses.
  • No previous products applied in less than 8 months. If you have done so, you must report it and present information about the product.
  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having any important upcoming social events, since bruising and moderate inflammation are possible.

From: $270 USD

- Rejuenesse, with approvals required for its use by health regulatory entities.
- Touch-ups can be done with small amounts with a minimum of 4 months between each application, the complete process is suggested to be done every 8-12 months.
- There are complications such as necrosis (obstruction of blood circulation) secondary to a bad application technique or omission of important data by the patient, such as ignorance of the substance previously injected. In case of any complication treated in time and form 100% reversible without leaving any sequelae. All possible risks are mitigated with proper application and good aftercare.
- The application of hyaluronic acid is totally reversible with the application of hyaluronidase.
Topical anesthesia is applied and the discomfort is tolerable.
No, the proper process for nose slimming is the trimming of nasal wings which is not part of the scope of this procedure.
The recommendation would be to perform it with minimum intervals of 4 months between each application if there is truly a decrease in the side effect of insufficient care by the patient. This will be finalized by assessment.
- No, the swelling after surgery can last up to a year so it is recommended to refrain from any manipulation of the area before this period.
- Touch-ups can be performed in between with minimum intervals of 4 months between each application.
- Avoiding as much as possible direct heat sources in the area, excessive exercise and toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
- Avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs at least 2 days after the procedure, although it is recommended not to do it routinely in order to extend the duration of the procedure to the stipulated. - Avoid direct heat sources in the treated area such as intense sun, hot water baths, sauna, tanning beds, immersion baths, etc. - Sleep on your back for two days avoiding pressure on the treated areas. - No make-up for 5 to 7 days - Avoid performing any procedure near the treated area for two weeks. - Avoid exercise and/or strenuous activity for two days. - No bending for 4 hours - Use of nasal splint for two days (appointment that covers the treated area).
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